IV: Todoroki....TODOROKI?!

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"Okay, so Neptune right?" Midoriya asked with both of his arms above his head as if to display something. The lime green glow that once blanketed his entire body had dissipated for now to allow him to explain his thinking. "The planet in our solar system?"

"Yes, that giant ball floating way out there in space." All Might nodded. "I know what it is but I don't know how it pertains to, whatever the heck you're doing right now."

"It's fusion! So fusion right? The thing about Neptune is that the planet is made up of all kinds of gases like Jupiter or Saturn right?"


"Neptune has different substances and elements like hydrogen, helium, water and ammonia which is why it gives that darkish blue color right?"


"Okay so basically what's happening is it's fusion! All those different elements combine and fuse within the planet's atmosphere to not only make that blue color but it also makes up the planet itself! I-It's like uh, it's like uh, it's like One For All is the color and I'm the planet! Nonono wait, I'm the color and One For All is the planet. NO WAIT, it's the other way around. YEAHYEAHYEAH it's the other way One For All acts as all the different elements fusing inside the planet which is like my body, thus allowing me to make something like this. So basically what I did was I did a whole revamp on how I thought about One For All right I used tothinkofitasanegginthemicrowavewiththetemperaturebeingconcentratedsothattheeggdoesn'tbreakinsidethemicrowaveandwhileanimagelikethatdidworkitdidn'treallyworkoutinthelongrunsoinsteadwhatIdidwasIpushedasidethatmicrowaveeggcomparisonandreplaceditwiththeideathatIaminfacttheplanetNeptunealthoughnowthatIthinkaboutitthismaynotbethebestkindofexampleunlesssomebodyknowsfusionblahblahblahmuttermuttermutterconstanttalkingsotheauthorhassomethingtoputherecausehe'stoolazytothinkofsomethingelseyaddayaddayaddayareyaredaze-"


"Fusion! You get me right?!"

"...uh-huh." All Might replied as he brushed off a few words that were stuck in his hair after the mutter storm. "So putting it simply, you're imagining yourself to be a giant gas ball out in space to do this."


"Hmm...I mean, it's a very interesting concept that you managed to come up with but if it's going to help you out in handling One For All better than by all means keep comparing yourself to planets heh. Though, if I were you I probably would've chosen Jupiter since it's the largest planet in the solar system but if Neptune works then who am I to stop you."

"Jupiter. Hey honest question, would that work as a hero name?" Midoriya asked. "Like, for somebody like me?"

"Somebody like you?"

"Well I'm not exactly the tallest person around for somebody my age so I was thinking what if Jupiter could like make me seem bigger? Grander I guess?"

"Heh, sorry kid but I don't think a name is going to help you grow a couple of inches in height. But don't let that stop you from choosing what you like. If you believe Jupiter makes you feel better about yourself then go for it, my opinion shouldn't stop you. I'm curious though, how'd you manage to think up of a comparison like this I didn't know you were into astronomy."

"Oh actually I wasn't the one who came up with the idea, it's kind of a combined effort." Midoriya explained. "A few days ago I met this really pretty woman at the supermarket and we've been somewhat communicating with each other."

"Somewhat?" All Might repeated. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well it's, kinda awkward between us but I think that's mainly my fault, I always manage to just end up in the same spot where I don't know how to say anything and it gets quiet between us. She seems really nice and seems to be a friendly person but I'm not exactly like you All Might when it comes to talking with other people."

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