III: Over The Phone

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Izuku: Not really. Sometimes ice cream can give me a headache with just one spoon, so I don't really find myself eating it too often. It's not that it tastes bad or anything it's just that I get a brain freeze every time.

Fuyumi: One spoon? Lol I've never come across anybody who gets a brain freeze from just ONE spoon of ice cream. You will be the first Midoriya.

Izuku: Is that honorable or embarrassing?

Fuyumi: Depends on how you see it.

Izuku: Probably embarrassing.

Fuyumi: Yeah, probably.


"Yes mom?!" Midoriya answered, calling back to his mother who yelled his name from the living room of their apartment. The student remained on his phone as he began typing away a reply to Fuyumi, deleting a few words and retyping to give a proper answer. He gripped the collar of his plain white shirt and dragged it up to his forehead to wipe away a small layer of sweat that gleamed over the top of his skin.

"I'll be running to the store do you need anything?"

"No I'm good thank you!"

"Okay then, open up your window it's really hot today! I won't take long call me if you need something."

Midoriya yelled one last okay before he heard his mother open their apartment door and shut it quickly after. Now that she mentions it, it was pretty stuffy in his room given how hot it was outside, even with the fan on it really didn't do much to help the heat. He placed aside his cellphone before rolling off of his bed and bounding over to the window, removing the safety latches and sliding it open all the way. Aside from a small breeze that gusted into his room it really wasn't much help to combat against the heat, if anything just making it easier to breathe and nothing more.

Today was hot. SERIOUSLY, hot. Scorching, incinerating, hellacious. Whatever kind of word there is to describe the word hot is the kind of word that will be put into use for today. Last night Midoriya went to bed with the refreshing temperature of a cool night, but when he woke up this morning he had a heart attack thinking he had just been condemned to Hell itself. He was so scared in fact that he ran into his mother's room to see if he was in fact cursed to the underworld, only to find his mom sitting near her open window with a fan blasting right into her face. So he wasn't in real Hell but he was definitely put through it after barging in and scaring her from all of the noise he caused.

The events of the USJ invasion still fresh on his mind, the students have been given time off to recover, majority of them just taking advantage and sleeping in to be lazy beans all day long. Does Midoriya blame them? Absolutely not, a free day is a free day in any school, with nothing to worry about aside from which flavored potato chips there will be to dine on that day. But for the One For All successor he couldn't help but feel like actually doing something today, though he didn't know what exactly. He wasn't the type of person to just throw on an outfit and go into the city on the search for something to do and maybe even pick up a few ladies on the way. He WISHES he had that kind of confidence.

Instead, he's been staying in his room, sometimes pacing back and forth just to satiate his need to move around a little. He even went for a half an hour jog earlier today but not even that was enough to just make him sit down for more than five simple minutes. What did help him pass the time was speaking to Fuyumi who he's surprisingly had an easy time speaking to over the internet.

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