N - evertheless,

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ " And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you "☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉

She sat endlessly as she waited in front of his door. The prince's door.

"Your highness?" She finally got the courage to speak after sitting there for a solid 10 minutes.

Her heart skipped a beat at his voice. It sounded so familiar. . .
"Who is it?"
He sounded exactly like the boy who guided her out at the masquerade party.

"Yoon Hana, your highness." She replied, making sure he doesn't have to repeat himself.

The rumours were true. There was indeed a hidden prince within the royal family and she knew. However, what she didn't know was what he looked like anymore. The last time she saw him was approximately 11 years ago. That was the only time she saw him.

11 years before he moved away to another country to live with his retired grandfather for a while.

11 years and now he was finally back.

There was a short pause for a second to which Hana began to worry. "Your highness?"

"Oh- yes. Present. Now Lady Hana, may i know why are asking to see me?" He cleared his throat before speaking out.

"Actually i didn't. His majesty requested me to talk to you since he figured out i had nothing to do whilst the adults talked." She replied.

"I see... my deepest apology my lady but i am currently not in my best condition to greet you face to face. Pardon my rudeness."

"Oh no no! No need to apologise. I hope you're doing okay." She spoke towards the closed door.

"I am slowly recovering. If i must, please call one of my maids to move you a chair so you can comfortably settle in." He requested rather persuasively.

"No need for the hassle your highness. I'll just sit on the floor." She nodded as she slid down, back leaning against his door.

Despite this being their first encounter, they spoke to each other like long friends. Without having to speak much about themselves, their conversation ran smoothly through whatever subjects interested them. It was funny because she was practically speaking to a boy who had no face in mind due to his mysteriousness and current state.

Nevertheless, she was glad to say they got along just fine. Even between the door.

"Looks like it's time for me to take my leave, your highness." She spoke as she noticed the maid who guided her here began approaching with a nod.

"That's a shame. Thank you for your time Lady Hana." He spoke, being on the other side of the door. "Perhaps we should do this more? Once a week. What do you say?" He suggested, hoping for an expected answer.

"Of course." She smiled. She felt nice at that moment. As if she had just made another friend but she didn't know if she was qualified to call him her friend. "See you next week your highness." And with that, she had left the empty corridor and room with him inside.

Stepping out of his room, the prince watched the petite girl disappear in the hallway.

"See you next week, Hana."

ʜɪ⚞₍⑅ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡: hello !! today is currently the 20th Jan, 2022~ 1:13 am to be precise. It's actually the same night but because it had passed 12, it technically isn't. humorous.

anywho, i was thinking of baking cheesecake tomorrow :) hmm or maybe a cake to deliver to my friend as an early birthday surprise? ill see.

i still haven't figured out a solid plot for this story but i made a cover page hehe >.<

im too lazy to decorate this chapter haha

sincerely, lunette.

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