U - niverse

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ " This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you " ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉

Returning back to school for the first time in a while really caught the student's attention. However, expecting to see that one person who kept her mind up always, she was met with no one. It was strange because he was never late, never away.

"Lady Hana, you're back!" Suho was greeted by her presence suddenly, easily making him smile. "Where have you been?"

"Ah- Hello Suho." She laughed awkwardly. "Nowhere, just here and there."

"I see. We have a free class today, you want to find a spot to sit down?" He offered his company.

Although Hana was initially looking for him, finding him was no use.

"You're probably wondering where Sunghoon is." Suho chuckled upon seeing her unsettling expression. Still, her reactions were too easy to read.


"He hasn't shown up in a while. Think he is busy preparing for his ceremony, finally exposing his title to the world." He briefly explained.

"Ah, I see." She nodded.

"Saw him a few days ago. He didn't look like he was in his best condition. Not physically but maybe a bit emotionally. Can't tell if it's due to the stress for the upcoming event."

Now that worried her quite a bit.

"You know how much he likes you right?" Suho smiled. "Even with Clara, he would unintentionally talk about you. Every little thing would remind him about you. Knowing him for so long, never have i ever seen him so happy talking about someone. The way his mood and face instantly light up just upon speaking about you. I can only imagine his happiness level when he is really with you."

Now this, Hana had no idea about.

"But-" but what? She didn't know. Thinking she still isn't enough for him.

"This never happened when he was with Clara so, I can really tell he loves you the most. Don't doubt yourself." Suho reassured her.

Perhaps meeting Suho was all scripted. For her to finally open her eyes.

"Where is he now?" Hana asked.

"It's nearly 9 am. If you are fast enough, you can make it to the royal river. He tends to hang around there for an hour."

And with that, Hana had already grabbed her bag, ready to leave. However, she remembered to credit him. Without Suho, maybe it would still be conflicted between him and her.

"Thank you Suho." Hana smiled before running out towards the gate before it locks for the day.

"Goodbye Lady Hana." Suho smiled too, watching the girl disappear within the distance. "Maybe next time."

Just like Sunghoon, Hana was hard not to like.


Taking the cab and running towards the river was probably the most athletic moment in her whole life. As she began approaching the main site, her name was suddenly called out.

"Lady Hana?"  A feminine voice called out.

Within that second, her heart dropped.

Was Suho telling all those words just to make her feel better? Did he already give up?

"Clara." She breathed intensely, trying to catch her breath.

Clara only smiled before hugging her. "It was so nice to meet you."

Now that confused the intelligent Hana.

"I'm leaving today to go back to the States. Thank goodness i got to see you before i go."

Now she was even more bewildered.

"Thank you for being there for Sunghoon. Please take care of him." It was obvious Clara herself was holding back her tears.

"You are too strong." Hana whispered out, hugging her back.

"Quick, before he leaves." Clara broke the hug and pointed in the direction where he was.

Just as Hana walked 3 steps, she made sure to give a proper farewell to her. "Have a safe flight Clara. Take care." And with that, Hana began running again.

"No wonder he likes you." Clara sniffled with a smile. "Goodbye Sunghoon."


Finally, she spotted a figure. A tall lean figure wearing a simple white dress shirt and black pants. Just like the night, they went star gazing together.

Slowly approaching him, her instinct told her it was the right thing.

Her hands snaked around his body in which, she was not back hugging him. He felt safe and it was at this moment, she figured out his signature cologne was her favourite smell.

"Clara I'm sorry but i cannot change my mind. Thank you for coming by and i really hope you have a safe trip." He held onto her hand, releasing her arms from him. "I have someone to wait for."

Just as he full released himself from the embrace, she finally spoke.

"Thank you for waiting." Hana greeted him the moment he turned around.

Of course, he was not expecting her to show up. Heck, Hana was the last person he would think to show up right before him.


"I'm sorry for making you wait." She smiled widely, reaching her arms out widely for him to go for but perhaps, he was too eager.

He quickly went in for a longing kiss. A kiss where both needed. As if they were apart for way too long.

"You said not to fall for the prince, but let's say i fell for Sunghoon himself before his title," Hana whispered as they broke the kiss with still being inches apart. Their breath tickled each other's mouths, the patterns lining up.

"Thank you, my love."

Maybe, for everything that happened between them, it was all for this moment to happen.

The universe had destined them together.

And so, this story began with one enchanting meeting.

From the very start, two similarly high social class people with very different characteristics were made for each other.

An enchanting spell.


ʜɪ⚞₍⑅ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡: Now this is really the end :)

How did you like it? I know it's a bit rushed but, it works better with greater imagination.

Thank you for tuning in.

sincerely, lunette.

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