E - erie

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾" I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you "☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉


"Clara...didn't think I'll see you here." Suho unintentionally made the whole situation much more awkward.

"Huh? You're making it sound as if it's a curse to see me." Clara rolled her eyes. "I thought I was your favourite cousin."

"You are?" Suho played along. "Oh hey, Sunghoon." He finally acknowledged his presence but instead of fully greeting him back, Sunghoon merely nodded. Eyes locked onto Hana who was looking everywhere but him.

"Oh my goodness. Lady Hana?" Clara's eyes widen when the girl's eyes met.

"Hello." Hana smiled with a nod. The smile she puts on during grand events.

"You are 10x more beautiful up close. Wow." Clara admired. Such a girl, it was hard not to like her vibe. "Wait, why are YOU with the beloved Lady Hana." She made sure to emphasise the direct use of pronouns to her cousin.

"What? I'm the standard." He rolled his eyes.

"Are you two...perhaps on a date?" Clara made a wild guess.

"Haha you're funny, of course, we are n-" once again, his line was cut.

"Yeah, we are." Hana smiled. She didn't know why, but she had the sudden urge to just lie.

"We... are!" As confused as Suho could be, he still played along.

Whilst everything was happening within that moment, Sunghoon was only listening silently.

"It's getting a bit late now. I shall take my lead. Lovely meeting you Clara." She began to back away until her arm was quickly held onto.

Assuming it would be Suho who she entrusted to play along, his voice gave it away.

"Let me take you home." Sunghoon spoke.

"No, you don't have to."

"I insist." He was not listening anymore anyway.

The two relatives watched as the other two left.

"She's so gorgeous." Clara openly admired ."Hold up, if she's your date, why is Sunghoon taking her away."

" *blink blink* what were you doing here with Sunghoon?" He reversed the question.


"Since when were you friends with Suho." Sunghoon asked in an unfamiliar tone. This use of tone, she had never heard before. It sounded a bit deeper than usual but it was definitely serious.

"And may I ask why that would concern you?" Hana fired back, formally.

"If you wanted to go, I could've taken you there." He changed the topic he started.

"Why? What's wrong with Suho? I had a good time there with him." Her tone was flat. Now the tension was really beginning to get tight. "Also, weren't you there with Clara? You'd be busy anyway."

"Hana that's not the point." He sounded distressed this time. With the use of only her name and not 'mi'lady', it was intense.

"She's your first love right?" Hana bluntly shot back. It was so out of pocket that even Hana herself was impressed by her boldness.

Then for the first time, the silence between them was unsettling.

She chuckled. "You don't have to feel guilty or anything. You don't need to explain yourself nor feel distressed." Being the bigger person was always her job.

"She was." He muttered under his breath.

"Isn't that a good thing? I don't know much about love but maybe the universe decided to put you two back together." She tried to lift the mood up. Putting their friendship in line from her perspective was much more important than her own feelings. Just like her whole childhood growing up, she had always brushed her feelings aside and focused on much more crucial things.

"I...don't know."

"You don't have to. Just follow your heart." She smiled. "Thank you for walking me back home. I suggest you quickly run back to Clara before she leaves." Hana advised. 

The moment she stepped onto her family's property, she turned around to see if he was still standing there. With slight expectations, she hoped he was but . . .

"And he's gone." She forced a smile to no one but herself. "Looks like I'm the second lead."

Never before, has her heart felt so heavy. Such aching feeling was almost eerie to her.

She wondered why.

ʜɪ⚞₍⑅ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡: awww :(

poor hana ;-; sunghoon really listened to her advice.

sincerely, lunette.

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