note: her prince

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[ ff5 done! ]

note to self (!)
started: 19th january, 2022
finished: 21th january, 2022
total days: 3 days
total chapters: 18
total words: approx. 12,000
working hours: 1PM - 4 PM

andddd that's a wrap!!

thank you for staying till the end of the story, ENCHANTED <3

i really hope you guys enjoyed it!

i know this story may be a bit (very) rushed and it's not the best obviously but, I tried :)

to be honest, I really started to write this ff for another member but this sort just clicked in with Sunghoon so well. so then, I changed the initial plot and restarted it. now, I'm kinda happy with the end result :)

wow, this is a new record!! 10 letters I took 5 days (nights) but enchanted really took 3 afternoons hehe~ well I really just sat there and allowed my inner writing self to take over. oh and! whilst writing the whole fanfic, I put ENCHANTED - TAYLOR SWIFT on repeat the ENTIRE time. i never got tired of this song. in fact, this song was my whole muse. my motivation <3

oh and also did you realise what i did? look at the start of every first capital letter from the titles of each chapter. now read it like an acrostic poem... it spells ENCHANTEDTOMEETYOU!! ( with no space of course ahaha ) - alsooooo, if you read the title of the last three chapters, it says YOUR ONLY UNIVERSE aka. LUNA UNIVERSE !!!!! HAHAHA sorry I'm having too much fun with this~

this has been a messy journey but i enjoyed it. especially where this is the very first fanfic where i typed it up on my laptop-based AND during the daytime. a whole change up of my system. if you don't understand what i meant by that, from all my previous stories, i have always typed them up on my phone late at night :)

this story was nice. it wasn't anything grand but more of hana finding herself. with that process, sunghoon was the one really helped her see the greater of life. where she can put herself first, feel her emotions and do things she had always long to. on the other hand, sunghoon who was initially heartbroken from his first love learnt that it was not over. perhaps the universe told him she was waiting for him. with sunghoon being the prince and everything, he used his true self to meet hana in which hana fell for his true self. same with sunghoon, he saw that there was much more than just 'lady hana'. it is important to love oneself and also see someone based on their personality, not just their title; a label.

now let's talk about clara and suho (the iconic cousin duo). a little background knowledge, sunghoon actually met suho first before meeting clara. hence this resulted in suho knowing sunghoon much more than everyone else thinks. suho KNOWS what sunghoon is like with other people and in comparison to to clara and hana, he knew sunghoon was much more in love with clara. however, that doesn't erase the fact clara and sunghoon were once such sweet couple. it was only a matter of fact where they were history and hana with him was now the present. although clara came back to see sunghoon again, she didn't think he would be in love with someone else again. even with clara making a mistake with breaking it off with him, some things were meant to be. maybe clara even thanked hana for healing the damage clara unintentionally made.


nevertheless,  have a lovely life and come back anytime if you miss this au. visit me and your fellow friends here.

 i love you all. thank you for tuning in and for those who even commented, my favs <3

keep in mind that you are loved, you are amazing, you matter.

stay safe, happy and healthy.

strive for your life and step towards your goals.

once again, thank you for giving this story a chance <3



in which love is such an enchanting spell.

she learnt to love,

he learnt to heal.


ladies and gentlemen, this was ENCHANTED by LATTELUNETTE.

hope this was worth reading.

⋆·̩͙ __________♡__________ ·̩͙⋆ 

until next time my moons,


~ luna <3

🎬 and cut!

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