T - onight

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾" This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home "☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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She unfolded the paper that was handed out during class. A nicely designed advertisement sheet about an upcoming event...which was tonight. She scanned through the details and immediately lowered her hope when she saw the time in which would be held.

"What's that?" Sunghoon popped out of nowhere and asked before sitting beside her on their usual spot. It was nice up there. As if the rooftop was owned only by them since no students bother to climb through mountainous stairs just to get up there.

"Stargazing." She replied before folding it back and putting it away.

"Are you going?" He asked.

"It's too late at night. I don't think my parents would let." She shrugged. Assuming that to be her parent's response, she never found out if her parents would really let her.

"Well, do you want to go?" He took out the folded paper from the side and unfolded it again.

She stared at it for a good three-second before declining. "No." She whispered out. "I'm going to head to the bathroom" And so, she excused herself.

"*chuckle* liar." He shook his head and read over the paper.


At 10 PM, Hana was getting ready to tune in to her current interest. She was reading books about stargazing. Such beautiful immaculate astronomical objects that shine in the dark universe, lighting up the night sky. How much she wants to be the one to witness them.

Suddenly, a rock was thrown onto her balcony door. As shaken and shocked she could be, her curiosity took over. She cautiously walked over to the balcony and took a peek from the sheer curtains. Her eyes widened at his presence.

"Sunghoon?" She quickly opened the door and stepped out. "What are you doing?" She almost shouted but with a soft tone in case, it would catch the attention of her parents. It wasn't surprising for him to know where she lived but for him to be able to step on territory was confusing.

"Let's go stargazing." He smiled.

From a 3rd personal perspective, such a moment was like Romeo and Juliet, Rapunzel the Princess. A cliché scene.

"N-now? My parents won't let me out." She spoke back, still being taken aback.

"Sneak out." He smirked. "I'll be waiting for you at the front gate." He gestured whilst walking backwards until he watched her go back in.

Sneaking out was something Hana never thought she would do. Such an act of rebellion was tempting yet obstreperous in a way. However, it was now or never. It was funny how much faith Sunghoon had placed upon her. As if he knew she was going to come out.


"Aren't you cold?" She asked being changed into a casual sweater and flared jeans. She noticed his thin dress shirt and black pants. It was her first time seeing him outside of school, let alone him in something else other than the school uniform. An admirable perfect proportion can rock any article of clothing.

"You came." He smiled after waiting outside for who knows how long in the mildly cold weather, late at night.

"What if I didn't show up? Were you just going to wait and catch a cold?" She asked in a worried tone.

"Hm. But you showed up." He began walking first to guide her. As she followed from behind, she was abruptly stopped by the closeness of his face. "Yes. I would wait." He patted her head, half fixing the slight messiness of her hair since she was in such a rush to meet him.

His effortless sweet talk was enough to make a clueless girl blush.

And with that, she was wonderstruck, witnessing the sparks of her life.

For once, she wished on a star that this moment would last forever.

"Shoot for the moon,
even if you miss,
you will land among the stars"

He was her star.

ʜɪ⚞₍⑅ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡: 20th Jan, 1:30 PM

hello! haha, this chapter was a bit everywhere and cliche but, that's what fanfics are for. the art of delusions. LOLLL!! however, let's appreciate this moment of stargazing. I've always wanted to stargaze, I wonder what it is like.

question of the day: have you ever been to stargazing?

sincerely, lunette.

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