D - esire

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ " The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake "‧͙⁺˚*・༓

┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉

The faint voices from across the nearly empty corridors caught her attention. Normally, she would just ignore their gossip and walk alone but this time, she stayed to the side, to hide.

The conversation went a little something like this:

"Look I'm not saying this because of your social status or anything."

"Wait, what kind of family do you come from?"

"Not now Wonhae. What I'm saying is that I think it would be best not to interrogate yourself with Lady Hana."

"Hm, why? You're going to isolate her? Wait are you thinking of bullying her?"

"Nonsense! Don't say such stuff."

"They why?"

"Because you know how powerful her family is. One wrong move and your life is over."

"Did.. that happen before."

"No, but-"

"So you're just bluffing."

"Listen. I'm only warning you because Lady Hana is not like us normal people. Her status is nearly as high as the royals."


"Think about the consequences."

"But aside from her status, she's just like us. She's still human. If you were Lady Hana, would you want to be alone?"

"That's not the point."

"Now you're running in circles."

"She needs her own space and we try to give her that."

"Yeah, you gave a whole empty land. If  it's your desire to be friends with her, you should try talking to her, not me."

Just as the conversation was really about to get heated, Hana was about to step in, knowing damn well who the two students were talking to. However, her actions were stopped by a sudden voice from behind.

"So who are we spying?" He whispered from behind, being only inches away from her face. She instantly jumped away, staring at the unfamiliar figure. "Oh hey, Lady Hana."

"H-hey?" The Hana was too stunned to speak. Instead, she observed him. A tall male, brunette, soft features and deep eyes. She can't recall his existence.

"I think they are gonna fight." He pointed towards the direction and with that, she instantly panicked.

"What are you doing?" She almost raised her voice towards the trio.

"Lady Hana!" The two of them yelped at her sudden appearance.

Hana's eyes adverted to Sunghoon's eyes who was looking at the male behind. For some reason, there was a slight tension felt between them.

"Well Sunghoon, think about it! Excuse us, Lady Hana." The two practically scurried off.

"Me too. I need to head to the administrative office." The stranger patted her shoulder gently before taking his leave.

A short pause was heard until Hana spoke again, breaking his daze. It was strange to see Sunghoon zone out on spot.

"Are you okay?" She approached him, checking if he had any injuries.

Perhaps the boy who left was only bluffing when they were about to fight.

"I'm okay." He finally came back with a smile. "Did you hear everything?"

"Not really." She white lied.

"I guess you kind of saved me from the intensive talk." He chuckled.

"Did they do anything to you?"

"Apart from running in circles with their words? Not really." He reassured her. "Now let's go~"


As they walked down the stairs, Sunghoon made a brief recap about the situation but somewhat sugarcoated the words. Of course, Hana knew because she had been half eavesdropping.

"When you randomly popped out, you kinda reminded me of-" and then his words cut off.

Too late.

"Of...?" She waited for him to complete his sentence.

"Nevermind. No one." He suddenly sounded more cautious. "I don't want to be the type to compare you with someone else."

"No please, tell me." She wanted to know.

"My former lover."

ʜɪ⚞₍⑅ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡: so much dialogue within this chapter. hope it wasn't too confusing ahhh

anyway...who was he??? ;)

sincerely, lunette.

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