note: his lady

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-♡- - > welcome to luna's universe :)

thank you for giving this ff a chance <3 i appreciate your time and may you enjoy this fictional story.

[ ff # 4 ]

before we start, allow me to make this clear.

this fanfic is purely for entertainment purposes.

please refrain from spreading negative comments as hate would be blocked.

reference characters played within the story are not based off their real personalities and traits - so any similar occurrences between the story and reality are purely coincidence.

plagiarism will not be tolerated.

reusing my work is prohibited.

all rights reserved to © lattelunette 2022


note: may you excuse any poor punctuation, grammar, and incorrect spellings as english is not my first language.


a story where i use music as inspiration:
where the chapters don't necessarily have to be based of the lyrics but do somewhat link back together in a sense.


in which this is a romance fanfiction between a female character and park sunghoon.
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~ enjoy my moons !!
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luna <3

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