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The feeling of being poked in the cheek annoyed Y/N enough, that it woke them up. They yawned widely and looked over to their left and saw Himeno smiling warmly down on them.

"Mmmhhhh... are we able to leave the 8th floor?" asked Y/N tiredly.

"Sorry to disappoint, but we still haven't found any way out yet. While you were sleeping, we learned we can use the water and electricity. As far as food goes, there was a little bit in the luggage the hotel guests left behind when they ran away. To be honest with you, everybody's getting pretty worn down." explained Himeno, sighing heavily.

"Aki's been hunting the devil nonstop. I've been trying to take a break, but he won't listen.

Arai was helping Aki at first... but now he's freaking out. He shut himself up in a room and won't come out.

Kobeni lost it and tried to drink from a toilet. So I knocked her out.

Denji is just pacing outside the room right now. I'm not bothered on asking him on what he's thinking."

Himeno continued talking for a bit until she finally got to the topic of Power.

"Power? What about her?" tiredly asked Y/N.

A loud femmine voice yelled out from the other of the room.

"I'm bored, so I was thinking up a Nobel prize winning invention! If I win a Nobel prize, humans will grovel before me. Then I'll use my Nobel prize as a stepping stone to become prime Minister! And I'll have Y/N sitting on my lap as the humans announce my new title!" exclaimed Power.

She shoved her fist into the air and yelled happily on her wanting to see humans suffer and times the taxes by a hundred.

Himeno and Y/N just stared at her in a daze.

"She seems the same as always to me." said Y/N blandly.

"Oh. That's... good then..." mumbled Himeno.

The three of them met Denji outside and the four of them started walking down the passageway. Himeno examined that they will be guarding Kobeni and Arai.


The sound from the snap of a lighter. In and out, Himeno breathed smoke from the cigarette and blow it into the air.

"Dammit. Down to my last cigarette." mumbled the eyepatched woman.

Power made a stink face while muttering, "You three are too calm. It's no fun!"

"Since Aki's on the job right now, I can take it easy and relax. Plus, it's the power of nicotine." explained Himeno, holding up her now empty box of cigarettes.

"It's so great having an addiction. In this life, you need something to take the edge off." sighed Himeno.

"Hey, if we get our of here alive, can I try a cigarette?" asked Y/N.

Himeno smiled and agreed to her with a smile.  Denji and Power looked over at Y/N with wide eyes, worrying that they might actually get the same addiction as Aki.

Denji looked more closely at the box and pointed out that it was the same brand that Aki smokes. Perfect.

Himeno then explained she was the one that taught him to appreciate the taste of cigarettes.

Suddenly, Aki appeared on the other side of a door way, asking Himeno if she had any cigarettes left. She just pointed to the one in her mouth and told him that was the one she had was her last.

He then just walked up to her and plucked the cigarette straight from her mouth to his.

Denji pointed out that- that was an indirect kiss with a bland tone in voice.

"Remenber that devil we killed..." asked Aki, turning his head towards the small group.

Power jumped up, pointing out that it was the devil that she killed.

"Yeah, well, It's gotten bigger... a lot bigger..."


A door layed on the ground as a mutilated devil poured out. It had heads, arms and legs sticking out from every corner.

Power sweated a bit as she mumbled about her thinking that she had killed it.

"Trapping us in this hotel... a form like nothing I've seen before... what kind of devil is this thing?" asked Himeno.

The faces on its strange body started twisting and turning in different directions. Suddenly, a strange, scratchy voice excited the mouths.

"Human. Humans. Foolish humans. I'll offer you a contract." scratched the devil.

"Let me eat the human named Y/N... dead or alive... feed them to me... and I'll return all of you other devil hunters to the outside unharmed." spoke the devil.

One of the doors slowly creaked open. In the door stood Kobeni with a large cutting knife. She was smiling in a sinister and psychotic way.

"Y/N... let it eat you..."


A/N: As you guys know, I have started school. I finally got enough energy to write and finish the next chapter. I would also like to thank you all for over 2k reads! I am really happy people like this book.

I hope you all have a wonderful day / night!

I hope you all have a wonderful day / night!

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