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Kobeni was shaking from fright, wanting to oh-so desperately to stab
Y/N. Swaying from side-to-side she then suddenly started sprinting in Y/N's direction, knife straight infront of her.

Aki kicked the knife out of her hands and Himeno shoved her elbow into her stomach, making her double over and fall to the ground.

The strange devil chuckled a bit at her.

"Man, it's annoying. Aki, if the fox swallows it, won't that end this?" asked Himeno.

Aki forms his hand into the fox symbol and says, 'Kon'. Unfortunately, nothing happened, which means that they were completely helpless. Himeno raised her right arm and said that she would be going with her ghost.

She closed her fist and at the same time a bunch of injurys all over its body. But unfortunately, the devil just regenerated and grew larger in size.

"Geh... it got bigger!" yelled Himeno in surprise.

"It is... useless... this is not... my real body..." grumbled the devil.

"My heart is not here. This is inside my stomach... my weak point is not on the 8th floor. Unless you contract with me, you will not leave alive." explained the devil, his many faces twisting and turning in strange ways.

"Huh! Like you'd let us out even if they killed Y/N!" yelled Denji angrily, upset about the situation that was forced on all of them.

"That's not true. You heard it say 'contract,' right? When a devil uses the word contract it holds a powerful meaning. As long as one side upholds its end of the contract, the other absolutely has to follow through. Breaking the contract means death.

So it is definitely true that if we kill you we'll get out." explained Himeno.

Arai started stumbling in Himeno's direction and started muttering, "Himeno... we should kill them."

Everyone looked in Arai's direction. He had a white blanket around his body, even though he looked like he was shitting sweat.

"If we just kill them, we can figure out a plan to deal with it... at this rate, we'll all starve to death in this hotel... it's allowed by law for devil hunters to contract with a devil...! We should take that devil's deal!" exclaimed Arai.

Aki was the first one to say anything from the awkward and long silence. "The devil wants to kill Y/N... that means it has something to gain from them dying. So I won't take the contract." explained Aki. Honestly he just didn't want this ugly devil to kill Y/N.

Then Himeno and Denji agreed that they shouldn't kill Y/N. But Power pulled out a loud peace sign and yelled in enthusiasm, "Then I'll be on the kill side!"

Y/N exhaled in disbelief as Power layed her arms around their neck. She explains how if she doesn't get out of here, she won't be able to get her noble prize.

Aki says that devilmen can't have contracts will devils.

So at this point, nobody is killing Y/N.

Power scoffs as she lays her head on the back of Y/N's shoulder. She then asks if they can play a game of pushing sumo, to which Y/N agrees.


After an hour and a half of waiting and ties from pushing sumo, everyone was worn down and laying on the floor.

"I'm hungry..." says Denji.

"Aki... do you actually have some kind of plan to get out?" asked Himeno.

"If we belive what it said, then we can't kill it. But I've got no intention of killing Y/N." replied Aki, looking down at his hands.

"But at this rate we will starve to death." sighed the woman.

"If worse comes to worst, I'll use the sword." said Aki blandly.

Himeno quickly got up and placed her face near his. Her eyes became more stern as she told him no.

Denji looked over his shoulder and asked if they could have ended all of this with Aki's sword, then why couldn't he use it.

Himeno just looked back at Aki and told him that if things become it's worst, she musn't use the sword.

She then looks over at Y/N who was busying themself with a random magazine they found in one of the bedrooms. Himeno places a finger right underneath her mouth and with a smile says, "Y/N, just die for us?"

She looks up surprised but was interrupted with a loud masculine scream.


"IT'S GONE?! IT'S GONE! THE FOOD WE PUT ON THE BED... it's all gone... why." Arai exclaimed.

He looked over and saw Power with crumbs on her face and her cheeks swelled with food.

He then asks her if she ate it, but she denys and then blamed it on Denji.

Kobeni appears around the corner with the old knife tight in her grasp. She then accused Power of getting them stuck in the 8th floor, to which Arai retorts with, "She's a blood devilman...!"

Kobeni then keeps shouting on how he is now on the devil's side. This makes the devil from early start to grin.


The strange devil started trying to grab onto the devil hunters as forcibly as it could. Aki, Himeno, Denji and Y/N start running down the hall and into a random room.

A mouth appeared infront of the door that the others were in, telling them to kill Y/N.

"I expand with terror. Creators trapped by terror. Your deaths are guaranteed.

Fall deeper into terror.

Dread death.

Fear everything.

The one to kill the spirit will be I.


The devil of eternity."

The room in which Aki, Himeno, Denji and Y/N were in started tilting, making the beds slam against the walls and forcing the four to look out the window.

Out the window was the devil. There was a large mouth and flat nose. The usual faces were stuck to the sides of the walls like some sort of slime. The large mouth opened and yelled in anger,



Thanks for being patient for the next chapter. I am really happy that people are reading this and I am really proud of it.

I have created another book called 'FONDNESS'. Its an AOT yandere book that I have been planning out. I hope you like it if you plan to read it!

 I hope you like it if you plan to read it!

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Have a good day/night!

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