22: ~That Sweet Reward~

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Izumi's POV:

Melissa and had a talk about our differences and put them aside. I also told her that I was dating Kacchan and that if there was a villain attack, none of the villains would attack her.

She questioned it of course but in the end she understood. Today was the day that I would give Kacchan his reward!

I can wait! Right now I am going back home because the Support Department comes to school early and goes home early as well!

I just bought some pills so I wouldn't get pregnant this time. I will fuck Kacchan like there is no tomorrow.

Every thing was ready. I had made myself a hero suit a long time ago and it was all green with some red of course, because it is my favourite colour!

(It's just her normal hero costume, nothing fancy!😋)

I had a zip were my pussy was and I was wearing no pant at all! I was lying on the bed waiting for Kacchan to come back home.

Katsumi was sleeping so it made things more better! I heard the sound of a door opening and I got really excited!

Katsuki's POV:

I opened the door expecting to see Izumi at the front waiting for me but no one was there.

"That's strange..." I walk inside and place my things down and begin to walk to me and Izumi's room.

I open the door to see my girlfriend lying on the bed in a hero costume. She wiggled her ass and that's when I knew exactly what she wanted.

"Baby! Your back!" she smiled. "Yes. Yes I am!" I responded with a smile. I took of my T-shirt revealing my chest.

I bent down and kissed Izumi. I slid in my dick without Izumi noticing. When I heard her scream it was like pleasure was playing games with me.

Izumi's POV:

I blushed at the sight of Kacchan being shirtless. When he bent down to kiss me I could help but moan in between the kiss.

What I didn't know was that he was already ready to slide in his dick. It felt so good! I couldn't help but scream with pleasure!

He found my sweet spot almost immediately! He rocked my like a baby in bed! And I loved every moment of it!

"FUCKING CUM IN MY PUSSY! I'M ON PILLLLLL!" I screamed so loud the his dick was getting so hard.

A few seconds and he had cumed inside me! I screamed so loud that maybe the neighbours could hear me.

When he pulled out, I was this close to see the cum flow out but he pushed his finger inside stopping me from seeing.

"Huh?" I look at him with confusion. He didn't say anything, rather than lie down the bed and sat me on top of him.

Well not exactly on top of him but I was basically lying down on him. My pussy was to his mouth and his dick was to my mouth.

He pulled his finger out my pussy and licked all the cum from my pussy. I was moaning mess at this point.

I was sucking his dick and I could feel vibrations in my pussy. I couldn't take it anymore, I pissed in his mouth.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-" he licked even harder and...well I... I pissed harder.

After our sex section we feel asleep on the bed we made out on. I already knew that my legs would be in pain tomorrow.

Quite short but it's okay! Well that was quite... the something? If you hate smut then I'm sorry!😂

I mean I did promise this chapter but I wasn't feeling to well so I had to put it aside sadly!


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