24: Quirk Combat

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Katsuki's POV:

My quirk has been going haywire and I don't know why! The reason I leave so early and come back late to because of my quirk.

I've tried training it but that didn't work. It's like my quirk is sick or something.

I haven't told anyone at all and I guess it explains my attitude. I haven't slept.

Izumi doesn't talk to me anymore which I'm fine with, but really, it kinda hurts to know that.

She won't even dare to look at me. The old hag and I have been fighting since day one of this disaster.

And it seems to be that I always win and the old hag is always in tears. It's very rare to see her cry but I don't know why I don't feel sorry.

Anyways, it was time to get ready for quirk practice. Well it's basically called 'Quirk Combat'.

It's were other departments come to teach the hero department something.

And today it's the Support Department. I don't think I can even look at Izumi at this point.

I have eye bags underneath my eyes but I covered it with makeup so nobody would suspect a thing.

"Hello! My name is Izumi Midoriya as some of you might know! I'm from the Support Department and I will teach you how to increase you flexibility and agility strength!" she introduced herself with a smile.

I didn't say anything, other than look away to her colleague. I think her name was Melissa?

Yeah, she asked me why I have been ignoring Izumi and shouting at her for little things but I didn't answer any of it because I didn't know how to respond.

I couldn't tell her the truth. I was just to scared to. "KATSUKI!" I heard someone scream in my ear.

It was my home room teacher, Mr.Aizawa. I glare at him holding my ear.

"Your going first," wait WHAT?! I'M GOING AGAINST IZUMI?! "NO! I can't!" I try not to panic.

"Why not?" Mr. Aizawa looks back at me.

Izumi's POV:

Kacchan doesn't even want to fight me! Ugh! What is wrong with him?! I just don't know why!

He never wants to talk to me or sleep next to me! I cry every night because of that.

"I-It's okay..." I try to smile it off. "You sure?" Kacchan's teacher asks. "Yep!" I try my best to smile.

Katsuki's POV:

I could tell I hurt Izumi's feelings but I don't want to hurt her. I spaced out for a brief moment until someone tapped my shoulder.

I look to see it's Melissa and she does not look happy. "Come with me," her voice was so dull.

"I'm just going to grab Katsuki for a bit!" and just like that she dragged me out the gym hall.

Melissa's POV:

I dragged Katsuki out the gym furious. He thinks it's so funny to hurt her feelings. He knows Izumi is sensitive!

"Why are you acting like this?!" I shout. You know what he did? He shrugged his shoulders!

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?!" I scream. "Izumi cries every night because of you! You don't even take care of your baby! What is wrong with you?!" I slapped Katsuki because of how angry I was with him.

Katsuki's POV:

The moment I felt something hit my cheek, I stumbled back. "Why did you SLAP ME?!" I roared through the corridors.

"Because you have no shame about the way you treat your family! Don't lie because Izumi told me everything, and I've seen it!" is this bitch is trying to up me?!

"Tch." "Nothing to say?! That's what I thought! Next time you watch your actions towards Izumi!" and like that she stormed off.

I couldn't believe she would tell her friend about this! I mean, if she told her mum, her dad, my mum, my dad and her friend.

Then she must of told my friends! No wonder why they have been avoiding me! I walked away from class tears streaming down my eyes.

When I got home, I didn't come out my room, not even for dinner. I sat on the floor in my room and cried myself to sleep.

Sorry for the sad chapter! It does get better though! Just a bit of angst.

There is going to be a fight in the next chapter? No, I'm not sure! But it will come out soon!

I did predict some chapters yet they were horrible predictions! So I deeply apologise for that.

But I hope you are having an amazing day today! I LOVE YA'LL! SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!😘

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