41: Too Close

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Inko's POV:

Izumi hasn't been doing great in the past two days. She has been crying since day one when Katsuki left.

She said she wanted him. She won't even eat her own food! She said she wants Katsuki to feed her.

She won't even sleep! It was driving me crazy! If she continues like this then she probably suffer.

I wasn't going see her suffer like this so I decided to call Mitsuki. It took a few rings till she picked up the phone.

•Inko?! How's everything going?!• Mitsuki said happily through the phone. •Not so good. Izumi doesn't even want to eat food or sleep! She only complains about wanting Katsuki!• I told Mitsuki.

•I'll see what Katsuki can do about it but right now, he's at the shops with his friends right now. Down town,• Mitsuki explained.

•There she goes again! I'll talk to you later Mitsuki!• I hung up the phone because Izumi was crying for Katsuki.

-I just hope he can get here on time...- I thought to myself.

Katsuki's POV:

I was out in the mall with Dunce Face, Shitty Hair, Raccoon Eyes but worst of all, Round Face.

She keeps on trying to get close to me. When I found out she likes me, it freaked me out.

"Bakugou-Kun! Do you wanna go to the shops with me?!" she said with the most cringey smile.

But to me that smile was creepy. "No thanks! I'm good!" I said. "Bakubro you okay?" Shitty Hair asked.

"I'm fine! Why?!" I was actually starting to panic. "Bakubro? Do you need some time out?" he asked worried.

"Whattttt! Of course I don- YES I DO!" I ran out the mall doors. I couldn't come over myself to be in the same place as her.

Even breathe the same air as her. I heard my phone ring and I saw it was the old hag.

I picked up the phone and placed it close to my ear, which was totally a big mistake. •Katsuki!• I had to pulled the phone away from my ear.

•Izumi isn't doing the best! Can you please help her?!• I didn't say anything.

-I knew I shouldn't have left her like that!- I banged my head on the brick wall.

That's when I saw Round Face coming to my direction calling my name.

I made a run for it. I ran with insane speed. •Who are you running away from?• the hag asked.

•HER!• that's all I could say. I hung up the phone and continued running. I wasn't going to go into an alley, not right now.

If I did, I would have been dead meet. I texted the hag and told her to tell Auntie that she should be right at the door ready for me to come in.

I went through some crowds and went a different way to there. I wasn't gonna let Round Face catch me.

I ran to the door and banged on it. Round Face was almost here. Her hands were glowing red, like her eyes and her necklace.

The door opened and I ran in shutting the door as I heard a bang. I held my chest, breathing heavily from how fast I was running.

Uraraka's POV:

Kitty was taking long to get back from his little time out. I went out the mall and saw the he was outside the mall. He seemed to be on a call with someone.

I called for him but when he saw me he started running. I ran after him, not wanting loose him this time.

I ran so fast. I ran calling his name. When we reached the alleyway I could recognize it. I wasn't going to let him in there this time!

I let out my powers and ran with crazy speed. He banged on the door and the door opened.

-I was so close!- I banged on the door. -I hate it when he does that! Why is he always running away from me?!- I thought angrily to myself.

What are you planning on doing this year? What's your goal? Tell me in the comments section! I would love to know!

Please go check out my other stories! It would make my day!

Villain To Hero?

Your Crazy

Long Time No See

If you don't like the cover them please tell me. But only tell me if you have a replacement for it!


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