40: Security

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Mitsuki's POV:

I looked up at our house with shock. "When did you do this?" I didn't leave my gaze from the house.

It was bordered up with high tech security. "Today. Why?" I was absolutely shocked.

"HOW DID YOU DO THIS IN A DAY?!" I rocked Katsuki back and forth. "Umm... I just did?" I almost fell to ground now.

Katsuki caught me before I hit the ground though. "Let's go inside." He looked at the camera as it scanned his eyes.

"How am I supposed to get in if it only recognises your eyes?!" I questioned angrily.

"You can use the password and you can always install your eye pattern in the system," I had to blink a few times to register what he was saying.

We went inside and there was cameras everywhere! Katsuki had done a lot to this place.

"There's hidden in security as well!" Katsuki shouted as he walked in his room.

I decide to go in my room. I could see that there was no cameras. I smiled knowing that Katsuki respected my privacy not to place a camera in the room.

Katsuki had placed a camera out my room as it hung from the ceiling. So of anyone that wasn't us walked in the room, the alarms would go off.

I guess there was a hidden missile or something that would kill an intruder in my room.

I had a lot to explore as Katsuki had a lot to explain. It was late night so I didn't feel like asking questions.

I got dressed and went to brush my hair and teeth. Masaru is still back at the party getting everything cleaned.

So I was alone in bed. I sighed at this. I hate sleeping on my own. I hate not being with my husband in the comfort of his arms.

Uraraka's POV:

I went to go and try again to kidnap Kitty again. I put on my black clothes and went out.

I had my hood up and my mask on. The house didn't have security on. When I stepped in my eyes were wide open.

I felt my body freeze. I thought the security system was down. It looks like it was hidden.

The alarms went of and guns turned to my direction. I made a run for it. I fired and it hit my legs hard. I was screaming.

How could anyone be this brutal to a human being. I just wanted my KITTY!

WHAT'S SO BAD ABOUT THAT?! I was crying and screaming from the horrible pain.

Why would he put up such security. It's like he knew I would come. Mina told me that Kitty hates me!

It broke my heart! I was so shocked. He acted so nice to me and now he acting like this?!

When she told me it was because of Izumi, my eyes were fuming. My eyes had turned red in front of Mina.

I had to excuse myself to the bathroom and cry my eyes out. My hand were glowing red as well as my necklace and eyes. I was so angry and jealous that he thinks more if her than me!

I'm glad she didn't see them though. I will never forget what she told me. I'm so upset!

I wish I had Kitty all to myself and that bitch would have nothing to interfere with my lover for Kitty.


SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED! I was working on my other chapters that didn't know which one to finish!

I have another story coming out! It's a SonAmy story! Your gonna have to find out when it's published!

So will have two BakuDeku stories and two SonAmy stories. Should I do an Miraculous Ladybug story?

Comment to your side! I really need yall to talk to me! I feel lonely!😭 All I see on my notifications is people voting for my story or putting it in their reading list.

But never responded to anything that I asked to do! I really need your help! So then that way more stories can be posted for you!❤

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