15: 1st Day

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Katsuki's POV:
I told Izumi that I was accepted into UA High. Of course she was happy and was jumping up and down. Which I didn't really mind.

Me and her were walking to school minding our own businesses as we got weird looks.

Me and Izumi had to go through different buildings, since she was in the 'Support Course Department' and I was in the 'Hero Course Department'.

It sucked knowing I wasn't with Izumi but I dealt with it and walked in. I say all these new faces that I didn't like.

Some of them were pointing fingers at me and were talking about me. At first I felt like there was something wrong with me that they didn't like but then I just realised they were talking about how HOT I look.

Which I won't lie, I look mighty fine. I walk to a big door the has the words 'CLASS 1-A' written on top.

"That's one big door my eyes," widen but I step into see people with weird quirks.

Everyone stops talking and looks at me. I look down and walk to my seat, talking my bag of my back and placing it on the floor, near my desk.

I put my feet up on my desk and plug in my earphones to my ears as I listen to my music.

A few minutes go by, and that when someone takes one of my earphone piece from my ears.


"Yeah! Yeah! Go away FOUR EYES!" I smirk as his eyes widen. "EXCUSE YOU! MY NAME IS TENYA IIDA THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" he yells with utter shock as he adjusted his glasses.

"Were ya born like this or did someone shove a stick up your ass!" I talk my feet off my desk glaring at four eyes.

He sits on his seat leaving me alone. Just then the door flings open. "ALRIGHT SEATTLE DOWN CLASS! "

It was our Home Room Teacher: Shōta Aizawa also know as Eraserhead.

Mr. Aizawa was in a yellow sleep bag, which I find weird for a teacher. I think of a nickname for our teacher.

-Hmmmmm... maybeeeeeeeeee... CROISSANT!- I smirk. "Put on these and meet me outside."

(In The Changing Rooms)

I walk in the changing room as I get all eyes on me. I see a small little rat with purple hair look through a hole.

"Kaminari! Come take a look at this! I can see the girls from this hole! Oh my is that Uraraka's melons?! Come to Daddy!" the small little rat said.

"Ummmmm... Mineta," Dunce Face tried to save his friend.

"OI! SMALL RAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I grab the purple ball freak by the back of his shirt lifting him up.

"Oh... uh Bakugou. I-I-I-I was just looking through... uh that hole- BUT HEE ME OUT! I KNOW YOU WILL LOVE WHAT I SAW!" the grape head tried to save himself. I look at him with disgust but I play along.

"Oh is that so, mind if I take a look myself?" I ask. Everyone in the boys changing room look shocked. I could hear gasp through the hole.


"Why not? Grape juice said I will love what I see through that hole. Isn't that right?" the purple ball freak nodded.

"So how about I take a look!" I was just about to look through, but that's when it happened.

I pulled my head away from the hole and slammed the grape's head on the wall making him have a concussion. "Next time learn how to have common sense," I walk to my locker as if nothing had happened.

Everyone turns to me eyes widen. I could hear claps from the other side of the room.

"GET READY! CROISSANT HEAD WANTS US OUTSIDE!" I went back to character as I walk out.


Izumi's POV:
I'm walking through the halls as I get pervert looks. -Where is Kacchan?!- I hold on tight to my books.

I look around me to see an ash blond! "KACCHAN?!" I yell, hoping it's him, and I was right! It was Kacchan, just he looked a bit annoyed to me.

"Thank (DORA!) your here!" Kacchan hugs me. "Awwww, Kacchan! Why are you upsetti spaghetti?" I look at him with puppy eyes.

"Bakubro! You never told me you had a girlfriend?!" a guy with red hair announced as I could hear groans.

"WHAT?! SHITTY HAIR NO! SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Kacchan yells. I giggle. "We're not a thing! Kacchan and we knew each other since childhood!" I smile pressing my breat against Kacchan, hugging him.


I gasp and then slap Katsuki from the back of the head. "OI! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" Kacchan held the back of his head.

I dramatically gasp again. "IS THIS WHAT I THINK IT IS?! DO I HAVE TO TEACH KACCHAN ABOUT nOt SwEaRiNg?!"

His friends laugh as I can't help but giggle myself. "Oh Kacchan! Your a funny one to play with!" I giggle.

"I almost forgot! My name is Izumi Midoriya! And this is my best friend KACCHAN! Or Katsuki Bakugou is how you may say it," I smile.

"Oh yeah! My name is Mina Ashido and my quirk is Acid!" Mina smiles, introducing herself.

"And my name i-" I cut of the guy with black hair's sentence. "Oh no need for all of you to tell me who you are!" I smile.

"I know all of your names since I am in the Support department! Over there is Denki Kaminari and your quirk is Electrification! Next to Denki is Hanta Sero and your quirk is Tape! Next to Mina is Eijiro Kirishima and his quirk is Hardening! And then there is Kyouka Jirou and your quirk is Earphone Jack!" I jump up and down smiling.

"Great! But may I ask what is your quirk?" Kirishima asks quite concerned.

"Oh, uh m-my quirk? ... Well... it's nothing that fancy..." I rub the back of my neck.

"Oh come on! We won't judge you!" Kaminari say trying to encourage me.

"Okay, okay... my quirk is Telekinesis," I look down at the ground scared to know what they might say.

I look back up to see all their eyes lit up with amazement. "ARE YA KIDDING ME?! I'VE ALWAYS WISHED TO HAVE THAT QUIRK!" Mina shout.

"I..." a smile began to grow on my face. "Thanks, OH MY! LOOK AT THE TIME YOU GU6S ARE LATE TO YOUR CLASS!" I look at my watch.

"Don't worry I will take you their!" I grab Kacchan's hand and began to run to Class 1-A.

"So your telling me that you were taking about quirk and helping them out with them, improving their quirks?" Mr. Aziawa raised a brow.

"Yes! And I am so sorry! (lie)" I bow down in politeness.

"Very well, next time have them here before Class time okay?" he escorted his students in the class.

"Okay!" and just like that the door closed.

Hi guys! I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! I had some technical problems or issues, you may say.

But I will see you in the next chapter! Bye for now My Little MixShakes!😊

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