49: HE LEFT?!

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Katsuki's POV:

The hag and the old man went to go party with her friends. That was my moment to start packing.

I'm gonna go over seas to America. Change my name, add removable die to my hair because I don't want my hair be a different colour for life.

I'm gonna change everything about myself. I'm glad Liam can change into any breed he wants.

I don't want to leave him here. Especially with no one to look after him. I'm gonna take down the security system.

The hag will be fine with the old man. I'm gonna miss them but it's for the best.

I've finished packing and I change my entire appearance. I've also changed my name to Devin.

I didn't change my nationality though. Japan for life! My hair is now brown and I have brown eyes. I got myself a new phone. Don't want anyone tracking me down.

I left to the airport. I booked myself a flight last week. I went on the plane that leads to America.

Before I left, I left a note in my room. I guess this is it. Bye- bye home, i will always cherish you in my heart.

(5 hours later)

Mitsuki's POV:

I got home and saw the security was taking down. "Is Katsuki hurt?!" I ran into the house with my husband and saw that Katsuki was nowhere to be found.

I looked in his room and saw a note on the night stand. /I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. I realised that I was causing more trouble to everyone. Please don't look for me, I'll be fine. I love you and I always will. Tell Izumi that I'll never forget her. Love Katsuki ♡/

"NO! KATSUKI! MY BABY BOY!" I cried tears of guilt and sadness. "DON'T LEAVE ME HERE LIKE THIS!" I cried for the next thirty minutes.

I've lost my only child. My favourite child. The one that was so brave whenever he was in danger. I lost him.

I went on the phone with Inko. •Hi...• I was looking at the mirror in my room. I looked like shit.

•What's wrong Mitsuki?• Inko's voice sounded very worried. •I lost my baby boy...• tears started to form in my eyes.

•What do you mean?• Inko didn't understand what I was talking about.

•Katsuki gone! He left! I lost my only child!• I cried. •HE LEFT?!• Inko screamed on the phone.

•He left a note behind!• I wiped my tears but they kept coming. •What did it say?!• Inko began to panic.

•It said, I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. I realised *sniff* that I was causing more trouble to everyone. Please *sniff* don't look for me, I'll be fine. I love you and I always will. Tell Izumi *sniff* that I'll never forget her. Love *sniff* Katsuki ♡• I sniffed reading the note again.

•Izumi won't be to happy,• Inko sounded like she was crying. ○Should I come over?• there was a silence for a moment.

•Okay,• I wiped my tears, hanging up and waited for Inko to come. Whilst my husband made dinner.

I think my story is going to have a big twist to it. Do you want me to spoil a bit about Katsumi's future or not?

I'm almost have 50 chapters! Just one more to go! Yay! Before I publish this story, I want to say two things.

Thank you so much to all those who have followed me! 10 follower! Should I do a one-shot of your choice.

To ask me for a one shot, you have to be a follower!😘 Sorry but that's the way it works! After all, it is a 10 followers celebration!

And the second thing is. All my other story are on hold! I want to get this story finished!

After this story, I will move onto 'Long Time No See' from there to 'Villain to Hero?' and 'Your Crazy!'

I might update them from time to time though. But, until then! Love ya'll!😘😍🤩😊😋🥰🤗

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