Chapter 2

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The goals were not finished....but i am leaving it as the story has just started....but please guys....give ur reviews through inline comments....

'Jai:how can u do this to her....

Sid: no i didn't do anything....listen to me...


Abhi: u have cheated her u think we are fools....he said slapping his own brother...

Sid: bhai...let me explain...

Abhi: shut up....u have lost the right to call me Bhai....

Sid: no bhaiya please listen to me....

Abhi: get out....

Sid: bhaiya...

Abhi: get the hell out of here before i do something siddharth....i hate u....

Sid looked at at others in a pleading way...

All except sid: we hate u sid....hate u.....'

Sid:. No....please listen to me....he shouted sitting up with a huge jerk. Coming out of the  same nightmare which is haunting him continuously from last 2 years he looked around and realised he was in his room.

A lone tear rolled out of his eyes.

Sid: they hate me...he said to himself thinking about his friends whom he had considered more than a family.

He wiped his tears and looked at his watch. 7.50 am....

Sid: shit......he was again late for his job....

Sid: rakshan bhaiya is going to kill me today....he told himself and ran to get ready....

After getting ready in 10 minutes he rushed to the door taking his house key and also the bi cycle key.

When he stepped out of the house he heard some voice from the upstairs.

Sid: it seems the above apartment has been filled with was getting ready from so long....he talked to himself and also he felt some weird and at the same time some good vibes in the air today.

He went and pressed the lift switch and was waiting for it playing with the bi cycle key.

He saw the lift was coming from the ground floor. He sighed as he is already late. He was getting frustrated and waiting for it to open. At last getting lost his patience to wait he turned to take the steps which was beside the lift.

When he moved aside the lift opened and inside was standing Abhishek with an annoying face.

Abhi: who the hell was that playing with the elevators's opening in every floor....idiots....he huffed and closed the lift again.

He went up and rang his apartment door bell. At the same time sid took his Hercules bi cycle which Abhi saw and went to the coffee shop in which he is working from last two years.

After cycling for a good 20 minutes he reached the shop and parked his cycle outside. He tried to sneak in without getting caught by his rakshan Bhai as he was late....

Rak: hmm again u are late....

Sid stopped in his track and slowly turned towards him with a sheepish smile....

Sid: sorry na bhai....i over slept...don't know what happened to my alarm today....

Rak: again those nightmares....

Sid: haa yess...

Rak: when is ur next session sid...

Sid: don't know bhaiya....she said she is going to handle another case which really needs someone is substituting for my case....he said tieing the apron around his body...

Rak: hmm...let's see who will be ur new doctor....and now...go and eat ur breakfast first....

Sid: it's ok bhaiya i am not hungry....

Rak/??: I/HE  SAID NOW....they shouted at the same time.

Sid got startled and saw his Saranya Bhabhi, rakshans wife standing at the door glaring at him as he lied he is not hungry....

Sid: ok ok i will eat now ...don't get mad both of u....he said shooking his head as he knew they will not allow him to work till he have his breakfast.

He went to kitchen and took some of his fav wheat bread and some peanut butter and went to his usual spot which a foremost table of the shop.

He sat there and  started to eat as he saw the other two started to work and getting ready to open the shop.

Sid knew Saranya and rakshan from last 2 years. They gave him shelter and a new life when he was thrown out of his house. Sid was not ready to accept their hospitality fully so he stared working in the coffe shop which was owned by them.

In the due course of time he became their important part of life. After gaining a lot of courage Sid told what happened in his life. After that they became over protective towards him and also possessive about him. But he denied to live with them and took a separate apartment and started live his life there as he was not ready to give his heart to someone again and getting a heart break again.

He finished his breakfast with all the memories and went to start his as usual work. Greeting the customers and working on their orders.....
To be continued.

So sid and the family who hates him are in the same building but different floors....

Will they meet....

What will happen if they meet....


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The next chapter will be posted after the target is finished...

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