Chapter 5

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( Hey guys i want to inform one thing that Avneet is not an psychiatrist.....she is a neuro surgen but she also has finished a supporting course in psychology as she has to be in good relation with her only this new patient is given to her now....)

With Avneet.

Avu smiled a little and turned to see and was shocked to death on seeing her.

Both: YOU........

Doc: you guys know each other already.....

Avu: that's....she trailed of looking at the person standing before her.

Doc: any way leave it....DR. RITHIKA.....please come in....


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A well known neuro surgen...good at her profession...always kind to her patients and tries to get every patients of her to get well completely....also knows psychology so she can have good relation with her patients as they are dealing with brain injuries.

Rithika came and sat on the chair leaving a chair between her and Avneet. The doctor understood that they are not in good terms and he came to the main point directly.

Doc: so Dr. Rithika.....she is Dr. u are really needed in that other case i have decided to give ur patients case to her....

Rit: what patient will not feel comfortable with her....

Avu: excuse me....what do u mean....i am just gonna treat them....

Rit: but i know they will never accept this change esp. when they comes to know that the doctor is her....

Avu: i know them....

Rit: the personal details of the patient is strictly confidential as they wanted to other staff in the hosp know about them other than me....

Avu: but i have to meet them for sure to do the tests....

Rit: i am saying na they will not accept....

Avu: but why....

The doctor saw them and realised the atmosphere is getting heated up so he diverted the topic....

Doc: lets see the patient's medical history first and we will talk on this later....

Both: ok

Rithika got up and started the presentation on the project screen.

Rit: so the patient was diagnosed with a small stone in his brain which was so small to operate 2 and half years back. He first got severe headaches and then we got to know about the stone. We waited till it grows to be operated and after 4 and half months we operated it successfully....she started to say everything about the patient but all the time she was glaring at Avneet.

(A.u note: only half of the patient's medical history is said here the other half will be revealed later.)

She finished and looked at Avu.

Avu: it's too complected...i have to take all the tests on them again to get processed....

Rit: but-- but she was cut off by her phone ringing. She saw the caller id and got panicked as the call from that I'd is always important no matter what...even if she was in any surgery the nurse will come and hand over the call to her as the person was so important and she knew they will not call if it is not important....

Rit: excuse me....i will come in a minute....she said and went some distance away from them and saw the phone.

Patient 26

She was panicked if there was any problem.

Rit: everything alright....

??: I don't think so....i am getting nervous on this new doctor change rits....can't u be my doctor....

Rit: i know sid...u will not feel comfortable with others....but what can I do yaar....they really need me...

Sid: ok....he sounded so low...

Rit: ok sid...i am here with ur new doc only....i will call u in a minute and the phone will be on speaker ok....and also i will call u as champ so they will not know about u....

Sid: umm....ok...

She hung up the call and went to them. After discussing some more she called Sid and she put the phone on the table in loudspeaker.

Rit: hi champ....i am rithika speaking here....i hope u are ok....

??: He is ok doctor....i am rakshan here.....he said on the phone.

Rit: oh hi rakshan....i hope champ is i want to come to point directly....

Rak: yeah doc....go on....

Rit: so as i already said u there is a new doc here who is gonna take over champs case from now....she looked at Avu like asking her to speak.

Avu: umm yeah hello mister....i am ur new doc and i am Avneet ka-----
To be continued.

Hey guys how are u all....i know i said i will start posting after 22nd Feb....but today i got some free time and i wrote the here it is...the next chap will be after 22nd Feb and also the other books updates....

Now i want a suggestion....

Please suggest me a name for Siddharth other than sid,ashu,siddhanth,etc etc...

And also leave shivaay...i have it already on the please suggest me a good name for him...

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