Chapter 7

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Avu: umm yeah hello mister....i am ur new doc and i am Avneet....

Rak: Avneet...?

Avu: yeah...Avneet kau-- but before she could finish sid snatched the phone from rakshan and cut the call. He was looking so terrified and he started to breath heavily.

Rak: Sid what happened.....

Sid: bhai...i.its...its a...are here....he said going into a panic attak suddenly....

Rakshan who understood the situation quickly cursed him and realised Sid is going under a panic attack.

Rak: sid..sid calm down....i will get the medicine now....he said and went to drawers searching for the medicine as they always have one set in the cafe...

Rak: where did Saranya put it....he asked frustration as he couldn't find it in the usual place. Saranya has went to her aerobics class in Reem and jannats studio.

Rakshan called her but she was doing her aerobics and the phone was kept ringing. Here sid was suffocating with
breathes. Rakshan again tried and atlast she picked up....

Rak: where the hell have u put the medicines saran....HE is getting a panic attack.....

Saran: what....i am coming now....she said in utter shock and ran from there just saying it's an emergency.

She soon came and gave the medicine and sid calmed down after sometime.

Sid: bhai....i am taking off for rest of the day...please....

Rakshan was glad that he itself asked for off as he really needs rest now....even he was scared to allow him alone he have to do....

Rak: ok....go and take rest....we will take care of here....

Then Sid left from there. He was walking on the road with an emotionless face. Tears were rolling down unknowingly....

Why is she here....

What if she hates me....

No they already hate me...

It's ok...they only hurted me....i hate them....

I don't want them....

He thought to himself and went to a park there and sat on a bench. Tears were long gone from his eyes...he just sat there and everything happened in the past.

Sid: why me...why it was me to get hurt without doing any mistake....i know they all hate me...but why can't they just leave me alone....i know whats my condition is ...i just wanted to be happy for sometime and here she is as my new doc....

What if they comes to know about my health condition...will they beleive...will dada beleive me atleast this time...i know i did a mistake by hiding it from them...but...what if they comes to know about my am not gonna let them know about it....

With this he went back to his apartment and soon drifted to sleep only to welcome the nightmare again.

On the another hand.

Avneet was confused as the call got cut. Rithika and the other doctor somehow handled her questions and handed over the medical files of sid.

Later in the evening everyone was in the living hall chit chatting.

Abhi saw Avneet lost in some thoughts. Already he was sad as the day was full of Sid's memories for him. And seeing Avneet lost in some thoughts worried him more.

Abhi: Avu....are u okay....he said shaking her a little.

Avu: huh...haa bhai...what is it....she asked coming out of her trance.

Vaish: where are u lost Avu....u are not talking to us from last 10 mins...

Avu: it's nothing di....i was just thinking about something....

Jai: why...did u got any complected case on the first day itself.....

Avu: unfortunately yes....and it's too too complected.....

Jan: it means....

Avu: i don't know how to explain u all because i also even don't know anything fully....

Fai: Avu...calm down and tell us what's the matter....

Abhi: yeah he is right...tell us what's it and u will feel better.

Avu(in mind): should I tell them about then they will get to think about him and it will upset them....

Reem: Avu...tell us....

Avu: umm yeah yeah...actually today i got a was handled by another doctor before and it's passed on to me as the other doctor is going out of station for another case...

Abhi: ok...but what's the matter which is complecated.

Avu: it's the health condition of the patient....both physically and mentally....the person is suffering so much...but i don't even know their name...because they want it to be hidden....

Vaish: what's the exact problem Avu...

Avu: the patient was diagnosed with a small stone in his brain which was so small to operate 2 and half years back. He first got severe headaches and then they got to know about the stone. They waited till it grows to be operated and after 4 and half months  operation was done successfully..but....

Abhi: but....he felt some uneasiness hearing it.

Avu: after that operation....exactly to be after 1 and half months after the operation the patient was found fainted in his workplace. And as their employer know about his health condition quickly called the doctor who operated them before...and when they got the patient to the hospital they were unresponsive and went into coma for nearly 2 weeks....and after regaining concious the patient was diagnosed with mental depression at its peak. And also the operation which they did seemed to be get failed at that moment....

They found that the stone was growing again in his brain and this time it's too dangerous to operate it...and also the patient was not ready to take the counselling for their depression and now they are living on with anti depressant pills even they know how dangerous it is....

Abhi and the others were shocked to hear it. How can a person neglect about their health like this....but they didn't knew that the person they are pitying right now is their own brother,own best friend....
To be continued.

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