Chapter 21

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Everyone was still sleeping as they were tired of yesterday's work...they fully cleaned Sid's apartment and also they set Sid's room in their apartment....

Abhishek and Avneet woke up early and got ready to go to hospital. They were in a dilema that is that good desicion to make sid to be with them....but they have to do it....he has to be taken care of now....

They went to hospital to witness rithika and her boy friend talking with sid. Abhineet felt a pang as they remembered what they did....everytime they saw rithika their guiltness go to another level and now seeing with her own boyfriend was another story....

Sid was looking so happy with them but his expression changed when he saw Abhi and avu. Abhi tried to smile but his inner piece didn't let him to and guilt was visible in his face. Same went with Avneet.

Rakshan saw the situation gets awkward and tried to ease it.

Rak: everything ready....

Abhi: yeah....

Rak: let's go and finish the discharge formalities shall we....

Abhi: yeah let's go....

Avu: i will join u after finishing my morning rounds with the patients bhaiya....he nodded and they went.

Sid sighed in relief as they went out i
of the room.

Sid: thank i really have to do this....

Rit: do what....

Sid: to be with them.....i can't rits....u know my situation very well...i...i don't want them to get sad....

Rit: sid...stop ur non senses now....for god sake u are dieing sid....u stopped me from telling this to rakshan u are stopping me to say this to ur family....

Sid: i don't want them to know....i can't see them like that....

Rit: will they be able to handle themselves if something happens to u.....

Sid: i don't know....he said lowering his eyes.

Rit: sid please....atleast now give them a chance and give Avu a chance....not for ur love fullfil her doctor duty....she can cure you if u co operate....

Sid remained silent....he knew what's his condition very well and he doesnt wants his family to know....they will be shattered....they will blame themselves....

Rit: u have taken a oath to remain silent when I speak about this, aren't u.?.....

Sid: it's not like that rits....i don't want to be a burden for them now....

Rit: U ARE NOT A BURDEN SIDDHARTH......she shouted making him flinch.

Rit: always saying this...don't u have any other thing to i am telling for the last time....u are going with them and u are living with them....that's final....

Sid: ok....he said in a low tone sighing heavily.

Abhishek and rakshan entered after sometime finishing the formalities....

Rak: everything is done...we can go ...

Sid: do we have to....

Rit: siddharth....she warned

Sid: ok....he surrendered.

Avu entered the room after finishing her rounds.

Avu: shall we go....abhi and rakshan looked at her and nodded in yes.

Rakshan and Abhishek helped sid to change and they carefully took him to the car as he was still weak. Both of them were giving support to him to walk on either sides.

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