chapter 23

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Sid remembered the incident happened in the night and looked at Abhi. It was evident that Abhi was awake for long time and he looked so exhausted. Sid decided not to wake him up.... He just laid there looking at his face and started to think of their childhood.


Sid was just 14 when he and his parents got into that terrible accident which caused their lives...

It was a week after Sid's birthday and his parents promised him to take on a long drive in the weekend.

As Abhi had a important test the next day he denied to join them. So sid and his parents went on the drive.

Sid: dada please na....come with us....

Abhi: ashu...please understand me....i have a important test tomorrow....i haven't prepared anything till now....

As it was the first year of college persuing lawyer Abhi was really keen in his studies...he never compromised studies over anything and he made sure sid also does the same...

SD: ashu ...dada is saying na he have to study....come...we shall go...

Sid: ok....he agreed reluctantly as he didn't want to leave his dadas side...

The drive was so happy and peaceful till that truck emerged from no where and hit their car. Sid hit his head on the dashboard and  his dad also was injured badly.

Their car stopped hitting a tree and soon Sid's dad found that the diesel is leaking and the car is ticking bomb which will explode any minute.

He tried to open the door so did his wife....but they couldn't open it. Also sid was unconcious already.....

SD tried his best and opened the door on Sid's side. The people already gathered around to help but soon the car started to fill with smoke. SD didn't wasted a second and pushed sid out of car towards the people out there...

He also threw his mobile and the purse with his family picture and other details towards the people...they took sid and the things away from the car and was about to return to help them when the car exploded.

The fear of leaving their kids alone in this cruel world was visible in their eyes. But somewhere they know Abhi will take care of sid....

Abhi was shattered when he got the call from the hospital he rushed there only to see his brother to be unconcious and his parents were no more....he was broken beyond limit but he thanked God for giving sid back safely.

After that he became over protective about sid and sid became the only reason for his living. He took care of him with all his will. He wanted to give sid a good life and wanted to upbring him in a good way...and he succeeded in that...

Sid was in his final year of school when Abhishek was in final semester of his college... Abhi was dating a girl named Riya...

Though it was not a full pledged relationship they were happy. But Riya was not that what Abhi expected. She wanted Abhi for all herself and she hated sid as he was the first priority of Abhi.

She wanted to get rid of sid from their life. For that she tried in many ways...first she tried to make Abhi to join sid in hostel for which Abhi rejected at the first discussion only...she did more and more and nothing worked...

Atlast she planned a cruel thing and it was on her birthday....

Everyone was present there in the hotel as she offered treat to everyone... Abhi was taking care of sid there also....she fumed in anger smirked evily...

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