Chapter 27

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Riyaz: thank u for inviting me for dinner....he said and went inside literally pushing them aside leaving abhi and jai in anger and Reem in confuse.

Riyaz came to the dining table and sat down followed by Abhi and Jai.

Riyaz: guys....i want to talk to u all about sid without him....

" Oh ...i would like to join the talk...." A sarcastic voice came from behind and everyone turned to saw Sid standing there annoyingly.

Abhi couldn't stop himself from smiling seeing the annoyed sid. Sid saw him smiling at him and glared. Abhi kept quite.

Sid: hai riyaz....i would really like to join the meeting u know...after all i am the topic....

Riyaz: sid that's actually.....he blabbered not knowing what to say....he didn't thought sid will be there...

Sid: yeah go ahead....

Riyaz: sid i want to talk to u alone....he said going to him.

Sid: oh....u wanted to talk to them about me without u wanna talk to me...great...go ahead i am on all my ears...

Riyaz: not here sid....come with me....(turning to others) sorry guys....give us a few minutes....he said dragging sid inside his room.

After entering the room sid jerked his hand and went to bed.

Sid: what the hell u want now riyaz....

Riyaz: sid please....i know....

Sid: what u know....

Riyaz: i know everything happened with u and them in these two years....

Sid: oh....he whispered when tears brimming in his eyes.

Riyaz: sid please....i know what happened between us in the past was not good...and also i am the sole responsibility for that....but before that we were best friends do u remember.....

Sid: so we were best friends.... Not we are best friends....

Riyaz: ( sighing ) it's not like that sid....we are best friends now too ..but i feel sorry for whatever i did....

Sid: leave benefit in talking about it now....

Riyaz: ok leave that now....let's talk about this matter....what are u planning to do....

Sid: what i am planning....nothing ...

Riyaz: then why are u not forgiving them....they are regretting for their mistake sid....

Sid: oh u also joined the club...why everyone are just seeing their regret,their grief, their suffering....why no one considers me....

Riyaz: no sid everyone considers u....

Sid: don't try to pacify me riyaz....everyone are saying they suffered like this....they missed like this...they like this,they like that ....but did anyone was "they" but me....all alone.....till now....

Riyaz: no Sid u are not alone....

Sid: yes i am...

Riyaz: why can't u give them a chance....

Sid: did they gave me?.....when i begged them to listen to me once ...did they ever tried to investigate further about it....they pushed me out and closed the door on my face riyaz....after that they didn't even tried to know about me, they were happy without me this 2 years....and they will be happy without me in future also....and i mean it....

Riyaz: sid please....keep all the anger aside....keep all the sufferings u faced aside and their too....just think about u and Abhi bhaiya...just think about u and Avneet...just think about u and others....can u be away from them forever....

Sid closed his eyes to stop the tears which rushed to his eyes. No....he can never stay away from them....but he have to....because no one can change the fate....he opened his eyes looked at him with teary eyes.....

Sid: i don't want this riyaz....i want back what is mine...i want to go back to the time when i was so happy and stress free....i don't want this...i don't want this stupid life....he said and broke down.

Riyaz hugged him and rubbed his back slowly. He knew sid has to let go of everything in his mind....but he was not ready to do that with his he just triggered him a least and it worked...

Riyaz: it's ok's not late....u can still go back to ur family....they still loves u like no other....i know u also love just give them a chance please....for me....

Sid kept silent. He didn't knew what to do...if he let go of his ego or whatever and get attached to them again they have to face a heartbreak again which is gonna be a huge one for them yes....

Sid very well knew he is not gonna survive...he very well know about his health condition and that he is in last stage of his brain tumor...the small clot again formed in his brain came with cancer cells uninvited...but he can't do only he was distancing himself from them even if they wanted to come to him.

Now what he will do ..should he tell them the truth and kill them alive now itself or continue this silent treatment till he go to his parents itslef and spend atleast some precious time with them....his mind was a chaos now....he didn't knew what to do....but he will do one thing for sure....he will not let his family suffer....let them love him till he lives...and he very well know they will love him to the core even after he DIES.....
To be continued. was the twist....don't take wrong for the introduction itself i have this is a sad ending story....i just asked whether I should finish it with sad or happy ending...but after practically thinking only i have decided guys let's how the others are going to take it in the future....

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May be 2 chaps more and an epilogue....

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