Chapter 14

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Avneet was going rounds for the patients. But her mind was fully on sid who was still unconcious. She was thinking about themselves how they were happy in the past.


Avneet and  siddharth were friends from their childhood. They shared everything. They stood for eachother and at last fell for eachother.

Abhi came to know about them in the 2nd year of college. And he was also happy with their relationship as he knew Avu from her childhood and he know she will not break his brothers heart never. At the same time he too made sure that Sid don't break her heart.

It was a evening. Sid was getting so bored as he was alone in the home. Everyone was busy in their work and he had nothing to do. He thought to rearrange the furnitures but he will need help to move the furnitures.

After sometime Abhi came home as it was free time for him and started to go through the business deals on his laptop.Sid slumped onto the couch with a grumpy face. Abhi noticed that and understood he is bored. He smiled at him and kept the laptop aside and turned to him

Abhi: what happened to my baby....he is looking so grumpy....

Sid: dada....don't tease me...he said snuggling to him.

Abhi: so tell me whats the matter....he said ruffling his hair.

Sid: i am bored dada....

Abhi: but do u forgot that u are in rest as u had fever from last 2 days...

Sid: but i am fine now...u didn't allowed me to go to college also....

Abhi: ok let's wait for Avu...after she comes we will go for a walk ok....

Sid: really....shall we go to beach please....

Abhi: but..

Sid: please please please please dada ....

Abhi: ughhh...ok we shall go...

Sid: thank u dada....he said jumping on him.

Abhi: it's ok....he said hugged him tightly kissing him on his forehead.

In the evening, sidneet and Abhinavi was in the beach walking together.

Sid: thank god....we are here now...

Avu: hmm...but i am gonna kill u if u catch's so chill here....

Sid: it's ok...if i catch cold u hit a six with ur bat....

Avu looked at him with a confused look and getting his lame joke she was about to hit him. Sid closed his eyes as she was about to hit but she kissed him on his cheek and smiled at him.

Sid: ahh this is cheating....

Avu: why... I kissed u duffer...

Sid: but u didn't allowed me to feel it...i thought u were going to slap me...dada see her na...he whined looking at Abhinavi....

Vaish: do one thing  Sid....kiss her back....tit for tat...

Sid: u are right di....he turnined smirking at Avu and avu started running.

Abhi shooked his head seeing his kid brother is still being a kid. Avu was running and sid was chasing her from behind. Finally he caught her and started to tickle her. Avu was laughing like hell.

After sometime they settled on a bench.

Sid: arghhh....he winced in pain clutching his head.

Avu: sid are u ok...she asked sitting beside him in worry.

Sid: it's that head pain Avu...sometimes coming and going....(relaxing himself) now i am ok...he said smiling at her.

Avu: sid how many times i have to tell u to take care of urself....what will I do if something happens to u when i am busy with my patients....

Sid: i will also come as a patient to be with u always...

Avu: are u crazy....idiot....she said hitting on his arm slightly.

Sid(laughing): ok ok...i was kidding....but just be with me always...i will be fine...i can't tolerate if u leave me...

Avu: i won't leave u ever...i promise....she said and kissed his forehead.

Abhinavi smiled at the scene from a distance. They just prayed that relationship to be long lasting like that with same love for ever....


Avu: i promised u Sid...that i will never leave u...but why did u left me...should i have to took the return promise from u...u didn't promised me so only did u left me....she was thinking to herself when her cabin door opened and the others joined her.

Jai: how is he...

Avu: still unconcious....but vitals are stable...

Abhi: he will be ok na Avu...

Avu: i hope so bhaiya...

A door knock was heard and avu told to come in. Rakshan came in with some files.

Rak: here...his medical history...he said and handed her the files...

Avu: i was waiting for this only...

Rak: but wait...before this i want u all to know something...

Fai: what's it...

Rak: the thing which u guys thinking is true is not true......

Vai: sorry...?

Saran: he wants u all to know what exactly happened 2 years ago....

Abhi stiffed hearing this. Already his heart was saying they did wrong with sid back then. He was praying that what they thought was to be true and not the other way....but hearing this his heart screamed that they have done something which is unacceptable in any situation...he was not ready to know the truth but he wanted to know it for getting his brother back....

Abhi: what happened.....his voice cracked at last looking at rakshan...

To be continued.

Hey guys how are u all....sorry for the late update....i hope u guys would have loved the chap....and the reason for their hate for sid is gonna u guys excited...

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