Chapter 11

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Avu: i want to tell u all something....

Vaish: what's that Avu....

Avu: today i saw Siddharth....

Jai: siddharth.....he asked in shock...

Avu just nodded.

Abhi: i think i also saw him in the cafe today....he said what he felt in the morning gaining all others attention.

Avu: So u guys really went there....she asked remembering Rakshans words.

Jan:'s there near our studio...but what about sid...

Avu: that's...

Fai: did he do something Avu....he asked concerned for both of his best friends for which Avu just nodded in yes.

Jai: don't tell me that idiot married her....he said in pure hate.

Avu: no...i don't know how to explain this....she said and started to cry making others to get worried...

Abhi: Avu calm down....what happened....what did he do....

Avu: bhaiya...he..she was cut off when her phone started to ring. She took the phone and saw the caller id.


She frowned on the name and attended it.

Avu: hello...

Rak: hello...thank god u answered....Avneet please...please come here and save him...please....

Avu: what happened rakshan....hello....she said not getting any answer.

Rak: sid please....please breath sid....hello...Avneet he is dieing please come fast...

Avu: yeah i am coming now...she said and stood up taking the key and gave to jai.

Avu: jai please drive....i have to reach hospital very quick....she said to him hearing all the pleadings of rakshan on the other side.

Avu: i am coming rakshan...don't cut the call and tell me what's happening there...and try to find a doctor....

Rak: there is no one in the hospital now...everyone went home and this nurses gave up on him...

Avu: what the hell u mean they gave up....

She got in the car and others also accompanied her as she was so panicked.

Rak: Avneet please come soon...

Avu: i am on my way...check his breathings....

Rak: ok....

Jai was driving at hight speed and everyone was looking at her in shock and curious as she was crying.


Avu: i am almost there hang on....bring the phone to him...

Rak: no....u will make it more worse...

Avu: nothing will happen rakshan....let me talk to him....please....she whispered at last

Rak: ok...he said and the line went silent.

Reem: Avu....

Abhi: what's all this...what's happening....

Avu: it's him's sid....he tried to kill himself as he saw u all in the cafe and something triggered in him. I performed a surgery sometime ago and now it's looking like he is giving up....

Everyone looked at her in shock and started to tear up. Abhi was the most shocked one....his brother tried to kill himself as he saw him and other friends.....

Rak: to him....he said on the phone....

Avu:'s me Avu...please sid...please don't give up...please listen to me maddo....

Rak: Avneet his heart beat is decreasing....don't do this....don't make it worse....he shouted...

Avu: rakshan...shut up...let me handle this....

Rak: do anything....but if anything happens to him...i swear i will kill u....

Avu: Sid...please,ur Dada, vaishu di and everyone are coming to u only....please hold on to urself....u will do that for us na...please....please sid....she was talking when jai cut her off.

Jai: sid...please...i am jai...u know na....we are bestest friends....u can't leave me...please sid...Abhi snatched the phone from him and started to speak.

Abhi: u hear me's me Dada....please sid....for me...for us hold on to urself....don't give up...please bachha....

Jai: we are here....he said parking the car in front of the hospital. Avneet climbed down and ran into the hospital.

Rak: please...please do something Avneet....he said seeing her coming towards the ICU.

Avneet ran into the ICU while the others came behind her. They were about to enter inside the ward when rakshan stopped them.

Rak: no...please...u guys are gonna make it worse...

Avu: rakshan....let them in....her voice was heard from inside.

Rakshan thought for sometime and looked at them with full of teary eyes and let them in and he also went in following them.

The others went in and saw sid lying on the hospital bed with various wires attached to his body and a oxygen mask on his mouth keeping him alive.

Avneet checked him and gave some injections and started to treat him with defibrillators....for each shock sids body went up and fell down on the bed without any response....

The others were seeing the scene with crying,praying and begging him to respond.

Suddenly vaishu went to him and took his hand in her.

Vai: he is giving up right....why don't we give him a reason to not to give up....she asked looking at others...

Faisu came to sid and took his hand from vaishu and held it to his forehead.

Fai: i know how to make him not give up....sid...u hate us na sid....hate us how much u want....i will promise u I will never let u see me or others again....but please don't give up....he said letting his tears down.

Jan: yeah...sid...please....we promise u...we will never talk to u...

"ARE U GUYS REALLY DUMB OR U AFE ACTING LIKE THIS....." everyone heard the scream and turned to see....
To be continued.

Hey guys.....sorry for the late update....i was little here is the was it...

Now everyone is here...near him....will he respond to them...can he handle the pain again....

This chap is dedicated to Athoyxsidneet as she was constantly asking for the chap...and also she was counting the number of hours from my last update....i really thank u and all the readers who love my writing....thank u so much guys and love u....💕

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