Chapter 8

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Sid woke up to the nightmare again. His eyes were teared up thinking about the nightmare that his own brother disowning him just because of a misunderstanding.

He remembered how Abhi pampered him in the childhood both before and after their parents demise. Not even in his wild dreams he thought that his Dada will mistrust him and disown him which is haunting him in his nightmares daily...

Sid slowly got up and freshen up. He went to the living hall and put on the tv of some sad melodies and sat on the couch not wanting to eat anything even his stomach was growling in hunger.

He looked at the clock and the hands stuck at 8.30...sid remembered how Abhi will coax him and feed him his dinner before 8 clck whatever the situation is.

Sid: i love u Dada and i miss u.....a tear rolled down and soon his sobbings increased ending up in curling up on the couch itself crying more without anyone to wipe of his tears and the sadness in his heart.

On the other hand

Abhi felt some uneasiness suddenly. He looked trembled. Something was bothering him which he himself don't know.

Vaish: what happened abhi.....she asked gaining the attention of all others on the dining table.

Abhi: nothing vaish....

Jai: hey u all hear that....he said making them to go silent and to hear some sound of someone sobbing and a sad melody....

Fai: i think it's from downstairs apartment....

Jan: i think they are watching some sad drama....the melody proves that...

Reem: yeah...but we don't know who is living there it's been more than 3 days now...

Jai: yeah...we will go and greet them tomorrow..

Vaish: ok....

All the time abhi was lost somewhere and he was not eating his food

Abhi(in mind): would he have had his's 8.45 now...where are u ashu....why did u do that to us....

Vaish: Abhi and Avneet where are u two lost ....

Both came out of their thoughts....

Abhineet: ahh..nothing nothing....

Jan: hey u remember today Saranya went in a hurry saying it's emergency and she didn't returned to the class as well she didn't even called us after ...

Reem: yeah....i was also thinking about that only...

Jai: let's go and check on her tomorrow in their cafe ...

Fai: good idea...

Abhi: i am also joining u guys...i am free tomorrow....i will be there in the studio with u full day...

Jan/Reem: that's soo cool bhaiya....

He smiled at them and everyone went to their rooms while Sid slept crying on the couch itself....

The next day.

Sid wokeup to the sound of the knock on his door. He sat up and remembered he cried himself to sleep last night. He turned and saw the time. The clock showed it was 7.

Sid: who is here in the morning itself....he sighed in frustration and got up.

The door knock was still there...

Sid: coming....please wait....he said and the knock stopped immediately....

Sid: thank god they stopped....he said to himself and went to kitchen just to wipe of his tear stains with wet tissue. He really didn't want to ruin the other ones day with his tear stained face in the morning itself.

He went to door and opened and saw the person and a small smile crept on his face.

Sid: hey Ben....what's up buddy...that too at this time....he asked to the 8 year old boy standing on his door

Ben: today is my birthday take this candy....

Sid: ohh....wish u a very happy birthday Ben....i will surely get u a present in the evening.....

Ben: thank u uncle...ok bye....i am getting late for my School bus....he said and ran away from there.

Sid smiled at the running kid and remembered how his birthday was celebrated like a festival back then. His smile faded away when the reality hits that no one is here with him now to celebrate his birthday.

He slowly closed the door when jai and Faisu crossed the door and went to the elevator for going for getting some groceries. They felt someone's presence whom they know....but they shrugged it off and went away ..

It was 11.30 am.

Jan,Reem, Jai and Abhishek was walking on the road making their way towards the cafe. They nearly reached the cafe. Abhi was seeing the cafe for the first time and he felt something close to his heart.

He didn't know why from the morning the memories of him was ringing in his mind continuously and now also he was thinking about him. He looked at the cafe and it has the class door and a glass wall with white curtains.

Due to the breezy wind the curtains were swaying here there making the person standing on the cash counter to be visible lightly from outside. Abhi saw the figure of the person and something bothered him. He got a glimpse of the persons hair and a part of the person nose was visible through the curtains.

All the cells in Abhi's body screamed one thing about that person and it was the name of his brother. For a second he was excited to enter the cafe and he opened the door first before Reem could do and entered inside only to see the place to be empty.

Saranya: welcome to our cafe sir...what do u wa-- she stopped seeing Reem and Jan...

Saran: Reem and Jann....welcome....she said looking at them.

Rakshan saw the 4 persons standing infront of them and got shocked and excused himself as he wanted check on sid who went inside the working room a few seconds ago....he understood why he hurried into the room. He must have saw them coming.

He went inside amd hoped him to be fine untill.....

Rak: SID.....
To be continued.

What would have happened to Sid ...

Will the brothers meet each other....

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