Chapter 29

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Sid stood up and went to breakfast. Everyone was there chit chatting. He slowly approached them.

Sid: shall we go to Amusement park today....he asked eyeing at everyone while others looked at him in shock as he talked to them i mean asked them something in this 3 months for the first time.

Fai: but we have work sid....he said hesitantly...

Sid: please dada....

That was the limit for Abhi. He ran to him hugged him tightly. He was dieing to hear the word from him for so long...and today he called him dada and asked him something ....will he deny....

Abhi: we are going to theme park today....everyone take off to work....he said kissing Sid's forehead.... But sid was sitting idle just giving a smile.

Avu: ok but bhaiya i will join u all there directly.....i have a very important work....

Abhi: but Avu....

Avu: please's really important....i promise i will join u there ...

Abhi: ok done....let's go and get ready....we will leave in 20 minutes....he said to others again hugging sid who was sitting with a small smile.

Sid( in mind): at least i can give some good memories before I leave forever....

Avu left for her work first and everyone went to the park as asked by him. Sid became a child seeing the park. After a long time the childish part of him came out. Abhi was so happy to him but they didn't knew what tragedy they are gonna face....

They started to go on the the rides. On the other hand Avu was waiting in that same test centre where sid took test. She was getting impatient every minute passes by. She was sure that something was wrong with Sid's health and she wished to be she is not late.

Finally she got the reports and what she thought was right....sid was in danger and they didn't knew or he didn't wanted them to knew....she have to ask him and get him to hospital now itself or it will be difficult to save him. He is been in 2nd stage of tumor two years ago. That means he in mere danger now. Anything can happen anytime. So she rushed to the park trying to stop her cry.

Here sid and the others were playing all the rides so happily....they were enjoying every minute.. sid was also happy that he got to spend some time with them...

After completing all the rides finally they came to the Ferris wheel ride.

Sid: umm...can i go alone in this one....

Abhi: sid...but why....

Sid: please....i want to try it alone...

Abhi : ok then we will go and grab something for eat and come carefull ok....

Sid nodded and went towards the cabin of the ferry wheel. He took the phone and started to record vedio of his family going away from him as he went up in the air. He then slowly turned the camera to himself. Tears were evident in his eyes.

Sid: i love u all....but i am sorry....he whispered letting the tear down.

Avu parked her car and searched for her gang as they will not be having their phone with them now. She spotted them while they were returning towards the Ferris wheel. She found sid was not with them and it was bothering her. She ran to them.

Abhi: avi....u finally came...

Avu: where is sid bhaiya....

Abhi: why...

Avu: where is he....we have to get him admitted in hosp as soon as possible....or else it will so danger for him.

Abhi became stiff hearing her. He got worried.

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