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Ranboo POV

I had just left my house to go to school when i snapped back to reality

I was going to a new school. With new people, new campus, new teachers, and worst of all, I lived in a completely different country than before.

It must sound like I'm an idiot, but I guess I never realized that this was actually happening. It was like I was in autopilot for 2 months.

As I walked up to the place I had been dreading for weeks, I realized how big the school was. I had always lived in a small town before now, and I have to admit it, I was pretty excited. 

Time skip to when Ranboo leaves his first class

My first class was pretty boring, the teacher made us do that thing on the first day of school where we have to introduce ourselves. I, being the anti-social I am, just said "uh hi I'm Ranboo, I play minecraft and i just moved here," and sat down before I started shaking

The bell rang and I left the class to find my next one. After a few minutes, I realized I was lost, and walking in circles. Luckily, someone noticed me struggling and came over to help.

"Hey, you need help finding your class? you seem lost," he asked, looking up at me.

"Oh uh- yeah actually. Can you help me find room 404?" I replied, glad he was being nice.

"Sure! Follow me," the boy said.

As we were walking, I observed him. He had blonde fluffy hair, blue eyes, and looked younger than me.

Once we got to the class, I thanked him.

"Thank you so much... uhh... what was your name again? I'm Ranboo by the way," I said to the blonde boy.

"Oh yeah I'm Tom Simons, but people just call me Tommy," he said with a hint of awkwardness in his voice. "And your welcome bossman, want to sit with me at lunch?"

"Sure, meet me here when lunch comes around."

"Alright, see ya later Ranboo!"

I finally walked in my class just as the bell rang. Unfortunately, since I was the last to come in, there was only one seat left. I walked over and sat next to other 3 people at a table. There was a blonde guy with a purple hoodie, a tall brunette (though not as tall as me, I am pretty sure I was the tallest in the class) who wore gold circular glasses, and then there was him.

The last person at the table had brown fluffy hair and a green button up shirt. I also noticed he was pretty short, especially compared to me, who is 6'6.


I had already figured out I am bisexual, but I met him like 3 seconds ago. No, actually, I just saw him 3 seconds ago

'god I'm a mess'

I realized I have to actually listen to what the teacher was saying, so I turned to look at him.

"Hello class, My name is Mr. Notfound, and I am your math teacher for this year. Since it is the first day, I would like everyone to stand up at find a partner and talk to them about yourselves. Begin."

Almost immediately, the boy with the green shirt came over to talk to me. A light pink spread over my face thinking about how he wants to talk to me. 

"Hi! My name is Tubbo, I like bees, Minecraft, and yo- uh yogurt. Yeah, yogurt," he explained. "Also dang you're tall."

I giggled a little at the last comment. "Nah, your just short." Tubbo laughed a bit too. 

'Ah, so his name is tubbo.' I stared at the pretty boy, fully admiring him. Thoughts like 'his laugh is so cute' and 'why is he so pretty' floated through my head.

I remembered I had to share too, or it might make things awkward.

"Oh yeah uh- my name is Ranboo, I also like minecraft, and uh I just moved here from the US," I managed to spit out right before class actually began. We both say back down at the table and waited to get into the actual math part. 

Later on in the class, Tubbo passed me a note with his number on it. When I saw it, my thoughts were all over the place, a deep red color grew on my face. I put my face in my hands to hide it, but I don't think I did it very well because Tubbo giggled. 

Time skip to lunch

I went back to room 404 to wait for Tommy, but he was already there, looking bored. I walked up to him and he looked up.

Tommy POV

I had promised to meet Ranboo at room 404. He wasn't there yet, so I waited by the door. I was scrolling on twitter when I saw someone had walked up to me.

"Oh hey Ranboo! Took you long enough. Let's go my friends are waiting for us" I smiled to the tall american in front of me. 

"Sorry for taking a while, the lunch line was long," Ranboo said awkwardly.

He followed me to where my friends were sitting to have lunch. The friend group consisted of Tubbo, Alex,(quackity) and Wilbur. Pretty small group if you ask me, but we were all pretty close friends. 

"Hey Tommy!" Alex said waving for me to come over. "Hey big q! How ya doin' mah friend?"

"Good! Also who's that?" he asked pointing to Ranboo. I remembered I hadn't introduced him to my friends yet.

"Oh yeah this is Ranboo. He's new here," I said, looking over to Ranboo, but directing my words to everyone else.

But then I realized he was looking at something.

I stood next to Ranboo to get a better view on what he was looking at. It was tubbo.

I glanced back to Ranboo's face, noticing a deep pink splotch on his cheeks. I was confused for a second, then understood

Ranboo had the hots for my best friend. 





words: 1018

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