Quackity POV (finally)

I heard Tubbo and Ranboo whispering behind me, but I didn't pay attention to what it was. I was too interested in the TV. Sitting criss-cross on the floor, me and Tommy had our eyes glued to the screen. Since binging the entire series would take 20 hours, we just watched 3 hours worth. 

It was now 9:17, and we all were getting bored of just sitting around. There was a lot of activity ideas tossed around, and in the end, we decided to play truth or dare. We were really getting our inner 12 year olds out tonight. 

"It's a classic game, don't come at me for that. I mean, there has to be like 20 year olds playing this or something," Tommy retorted. 

"Mhm whatever you say," Ranboo said rolling his eyes. "Let's play anyway. I'm sooooo bored."

"Yeah same here," I complained. 

Alright alright," Wilbur gave in. "uhhhh Ranboo truth or dare," He looked over at Ranboo. "Truth I guess." "Who's the worst teacher you've had ever."

The game continued like this for a while, the stuff being pretty generic. For instance, eat 2 bowls of ice cream in 10 minutes, what's your favorite type of cheese, etc. 

That was until Tommy, being the child he is, decided to make things "interesting."
(ok stop u dirty minded people nothing like that we don't like that here)

"Tubbo, truth or dare?" he asked.

"uh- dare.?" Tubbo said slightly concerned. "I dare you to cuddle with Ranboo for the rest of the game," Tommy replied mischievously. 

I glanced over to Tubbo and Ranboo. Both of them were a deep pinkish color. "Yeah, go on Tubbo. Sit on Ranboo's lap or some shit I don't know. Just do the dare," I egged him on. 

It was actually quite amusing watching them get all flustered. Me and Tommy both knew that both of them were too scared to make the first move, so we helped a bit. He was a bit hesitant at first, but Tubbo eventually snuggled up to Ranboo's left arm for the rest of the game. 

Beyond that, there were some pretty funny dares. One of them being Tommy having to stand outside in the cold for 20 minutes. Another making me lick the wall. We were all pretty chaotic. By now all the pizza had been eaten, and Julian long forgotten. I could see Tubbo becoming happier, and when he's really happy, he gets really chaotic as well. I had gotten up to use the bathroom, and when I got back, Tubbo was practically bouncing off the walls. 

"I AM THE GOD OF DESTRUCTIONNN!!" He yelled while breaking one of the pizza boxes in half and chucking the discards. 

"PFFFFTT- AHAHAHHAHHAHAHA" I almost fell to the floor laughing. I laughed so much my face and lungs started to hurt. 

I joined Tubbo on his chaos rampage while the others watched and laughed. Me and him ripped up the cardboard boxes and started throwing them at Tommy.

"wha- H-HEY WHY ARE YOU TARGETING ME??? ATTACK WILBUR OR SOMETHING THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!" Tommy screamed and put his hands up to shield himself from flying cardboard. 

 Me and Tubbo then started throwing pillows at Wilbur as well as cardboard. Tommy stood up a minute later and joined our group. 

Ranboo eventually joined in the drama and helped throw stuff at Wilbur. Then Tommy took a pillow and smacked it right into my face, starting a pillow fight. It went on for almost 2 hours. 2 hours of screaming and pillows flying everywhere. Pure discord. 

Afterwards, we were all exhausted. Wilbur remembered we never talked about it before, so the topic of sleeping situations was brought up. 

"I've got 2 mattresses, and there is places for 3 people on the couches. Ranboo and Tubbo can sleep on that couch, Wilbur can sleep on the smaller one, and me and Tommy can sleep on the mattresses," I suggested. Everyone agreed, so I went upstairs to get the mattresses and some other stuff. As I walked up to my room, I thought about some stuff. 

'are we pushing Tubbo and Ranboo too much? I know that they like each other, but maybe we should let them figure it out on their own. I don't want to make them uncomfortable. plus, It's probably better for their relationship to do this by themselves'

I didn't realize I was staring at a wall thinking about it for 30 minutes. I snapped out of my trance and got the stuff for sleeping. 2 mattresses, 5 blankets, 5 pillows, and my favorite stuffed duck. 

'I know it's kinda childish to still have this, but I am in no way throwing it out' I thought while staring at the duck I had named Beaky.

After a while of just thinking, I took everything except the mattresses downstairs. 'I'll bring them down in a minute, just easier to take this stuff down first'

I walked into the living room and saw something pleasantly surprising. 

Ranboo was sleeping sitting up on the couch with his legs crossed, his upper body drooping to the left slightly. The surprising part, however, was that Tubbo was lying on his back to the left of him, his head on Ranboo's leg. Tubbo's arms were entangled with Ranboo's left arm, hands intertwined. 

I looked over at Tommy, who looked ecstatic his ship was going somewhere. 

"What did you do tommy.." I muttered just loud enough for him to hear. There was slight disappointment ringing in my voice.   

"That's the thing! I didn't do anything! This was all them~" Tommy excitedly said. "And Wil's been knocked out ever since you left. Why were you up there for so long anyway?" He interrogated me.

"Oh just.. thinking. Help me with this stuff though?" I asked. "Yeah sure." 

Me and Tommy silently got the mattresses down and set them up on the floor. Then we set up the blankets and pillows, me slipping Beaky under my blanket as not to be made fun of. I knew Tommy wouldn't make fun of me, but it has happened before and it was not fun. 

After we set up our beds, Tommy woke up Wilbur by hitting him with a pillow. 

"AH WHA-" he was cut off by Tommy putting a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. Wilbur was trying to talk, but Tommy pointed to Ranboo and Tubbo and he shut up. His eyes widened in surprise and he nodded. Tommy took his hand off of Wil's mouth and Wilbur took the blanket and pillow I handed him. He set up the couch to make it comfy and went right back to sleeping. 

Tommy giggled a little, then went to sleep as well. 

I got under the covers of my makeshift bed and stared at the ceiling. 'maybe they did need that push. I wonder how long until they are dating. Hopefully soon, It'll be good for Tubbo to forget about Julian.'






words: 1193

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