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Ranboo POV

Tommy was introducing me to the other people there and vice versa, but I just tuned him out. I was too busy staring at Tubbo.

I was really glad that I could eat lunch with him, but It's not in the weird way. We just met, I don't like him like that. I think...

"Earth to Ranboo, you in there?" Tommy said waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

I snapped back to reality. "Wha- oh uh yeah sorry I zoned out," I stuttered out. I finally sat down at the table they were sitting at, across from Tubbo. Tommy, already knowing what was going on, decided to move things a bit faster. "Wilbur switch seats with Ranboo I need to talk to you and Big Q." He said, making it so that the three of them were on one side of the table, me and Tubbo on the other. 

My face was heating up just sitting next to Tubbo. 

I started eating my lunch, while the other 4 boys were ranting on about a mean teacher. 'I could get used to this,' I thought to myself, laughing along with my new friends. Lunch eventually ended, but before we all went to our separate classes, we decided to meet up after school. 


"Aren't we a bit old for sleepovers?" Wilbur said, it sounding more like a statement than a question.

"Oh lighten up Wiblur Soup. I think that would be really fun!! What time?" Tubbo asked.

"Uh how about we just meet up right after school? Yeah lets do that. Right after school, we meet up here and walk to my house."

"Sounds good!"


"Yeah alright."

"Finee, but let's not call it a sleepover. It makes us sound 11," Wilbur retaliated. 

"Alright a temporary 1 night stay at my place," Alex responded while sticking out his tongue at Wilbur.

After we all talked about the "temporary 1 night stay"  we went to our classes. 

School dragged on for another 2 hours, although it felt like an eternity. 

English was just wrapping up and I was super excited. Mostly because I made some new friends in the first day, and because I was invited to my first sleepover! It sounds pathetic, but I didn't have many good friends in America, and the ones that were good, were usually busy. 

'I have to admit, I'm also pretty excited to see Tubbo again-' I thought as the teacher was finishing up the lecture. 'BECAUSE WE ARE GOOD FRIENDS' I reminded myself. 'I mean he's probably straight anyway'

The bell rang and as I was packing up my stuff to leave, someone tapped my shoulder. The teacher had already left, so I had no idea who it could be. 

"Hey cutie, need any help?"

I looked up to see a blonde girl with blue eyes, looking at me with confidence and pride.

"Oh uh no thanks." 

"Alright, your accent is pretty by the way," the girl said smirking.


"I'm Liz by the way. But you can call me babe~"  Liz suggested while scooting closer to me, backing me into a wall. 

"I- uh- I don't t-think I will," I stuttered trying to seem collected but failing miserably. Panic rose in my chest as I looked down at Liz 

"Aw come on baby~" she said putting her hand on to the wall to trap me.

"HEY LEAVE HIM ALONE HE'S CLEARLY UNCOMFORTABLE," someone yelled from the doorway.

We both looked up and I saw Tubbo, looking really annoyed at Liz. "Who are you?" Liz snapped, not moving her position. "I'm his boyfriend, so back off bitch," Tubbo threatened with fire in his eyes. My face turned a deep red at this. 'boyfriend??' I thought. My heart raced and I got really warm, but in a good way somehow? 

When Tubbo said this, a disgusted look took over Liz's face. "Ew your gay? What the fuck is wrong with you," she retorted. "Eh whatever I'll deal with you later." She turned back to me and whispered in my ear. "You're too cute to be gay. Text me when you decide I'm better than that freak." Liz then slipped a piece of paper into my jacket pocket, smirked, and walked out of the room.

As soon as she left, I ran over to Tubbo and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much tubbo," I whispered in his ear.

Tubbo POV

My face was a dark pink color at this point. Not only did I call Ranboo my boyfriend, but he's hugging me. And considering we met a few hours ago, is amazing. 

Ranboo pulled away and started interrogating me.

"How did you know where I was?"
"We showed each other our schedules at lunch."

"Why did you come here?"
"You were gone for a while after the bell rang and I was worried."

"You're gay?"

"Ok, I think that's all my questions. Again, thank you so much," Ranboo stated and bowed. I giggled a bit at this. "Jeez boo, no need to be so formal, I'm just helping my friend!" I explained, even though I wish we could be more. He stood back up and smiled at me. 

'my god he's pretty'

We exited the classroom and started heading to the lunch spot to meet with the others. I had told Tommy I was going to find Ranboo earlier, and he just smirked at me and said he would tell the others to wait. As we were walking, I remembered what I said. 



"Sorry for calling you my boyfriend, I couldn't think of another way to get the girl to leave you alone."

"Oh yeah- It's alright Tubs!"

"Mk, just wanted to make sure it didn't weird you out or something."



"i liked it actually... felt nice..." Ranboo muttered under his breath, hoping I couldn't hear him. 

But I heard him loud and clear. I smiled to myself for the rest of the walk, a calming silence taking over us.





1050 words 

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