Tw: slight blood, violence, angst
there will be a note later on that says when all the tw's are over, so u can enjoy the fluff

Ranboo POV

I looked over at Tubbo at the door, shock and anger plastered into his expression. It was visible he was trying to hide it, but I saw a bit of sadness there too. 

Tubbo quickly slammed the door and walked back over to the couch, looking as though he was about to cry. I ran over to him, trying to comfort him. I didn't know who was at the door, but it was pretty obvious they weren't good. 

"Tubbo who was at the door?" I asked him patiently. 

"julian.." he muttered under his breath. 

"That mother fucker!" Alex said walking over to the door and opening it again. I, of course, had no idea who Julian was. So I asked Tommy because tubbo didn't seem like he wanted to talk at the moment. "He's Tubbo's ex boyfriend, and whom in my opinion, is a mother fucking bitch who doesn't deserve Tubbo," Tommy explained. "oh.." I hugged Tubbo to try to calm him down. He accepted the embrace and started crying into my chest. 

My heart shattered just looking at the state of him. 

As I dragged my attention back over to Alex, I saw he was arguing with Julian at the door. Suddenly, He pushed passed Alex to get into the house, I assume to talk to Tubbo. But as soon as Julian saw me hugging Tubbo, His expression changed to annoyance and disgust. I stared at him disapprovingly. "Oh so you already have a boyfriend again, do you.?" He spat out while giving me the death stare. Julian had short brown hair, was relatively tall, and looked like every "hot" guy ever. The type everyone had a crush on for no reason other than looks. 

"W-why do you c-care..? w-we broke up f-forever ago" Tubbo stuttered out, turning around. Tears stained his face and it was obvious he didn't want to talk to Julian. "Oh come on baby~" He said moving closer to Tubbo. I could feel him shaking and backing up slightly into my body. "I know you still want m-" But before Julian could finish, Tommy had punched him in his jaw, causing him to stumble to the side. 

Julian looked up, blood dripping from his mouth slightly. He stood up properly with a crazed look in his eyes. Then he kicked Tommy's chest. He fell backwards onto the ground with the wind knocked out of him. 

He then turned back to Tubbo. His hands were propping himself up on the armrest in a way that he was looming over me and Tubbo. He looked psychotic, blood still dripping from his mouth (which was down to his chin by this point) and lust and craze flooded his expression. 

I pulled Tubbo closer to me. I noticed his heartbeat quicken , but I kept my grasp. Julian leaned over towards Tubbo. But as if on cue, Julian was punched again, but this time by Wilbur. As soon as he had taken his hand back, he kicked the brunette in the head and he fell onto the ground. Looking over at Julian, I noticed he wasn't moving. Wilbur was still breathing heavy, and looked slightly crazy as well. 

"..Is he..d-dead.?" Tubbo asked shakily. "No he's just knocked out. Alex, help me drag him outside," Wilbur said after checking Julian's pulse. "y-yeah okay" Alex was a bit shaken because of what he witnessed, but helped anyway. 

"G-grab the pizza p-please- while y-your out there." Tubbo begged, trying to fix his stutter. "You sure?" Alex questioned looking concerned for him. "y-yeah. I'm so hungry."

The duo dragged Julian outside and onto the sidewalk, so it seemed like he was beaten up while walking. Then they went back inside, Alex stopping at the door to grab the pizza. Tommy got up off the ground and immediately ran to Tubbo to check he was ok. I backed away from him, both because I realized I was still hugging him, and so Tommy could talk to him. I could tell he was a little upset because of this, but didn't say anything. 

"Tommy I'm fine, I'm more worried about you guys. You got like physically hurt," Tubbo remarked, gesturing towards Tommy and Wilbur. "I know, but like, you got emotionally hurt multiple times by Julian, and it was our decision to fight him." Tommy assured Tubbo. 

basically, for those who skipped, Tubbo's ex boyfriend julian was at the door, and got knocked out later. THEY GOT THE PIZZA THO THAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT PART 

"uh- Want pizza?" Alex offered. Tubbo laughed a bit, but I could notice the pain behind it. Nevertheless, he accepted the pizza. 

"I know a lot happened, and this may not be the best time, but wanna watch a movie?" Wilbur asked awkwardly. Surprisingly Tubbo wanted to the most, I suppose to get his mind off of what just happened. 

No one knew what to watch, so Wilbur ended up scrolling through Netflix for 10 minutes. In the end, we decided on just binging Gravity Falls. (cartoon made in 2012-2013, really amazing, can be found on hulu plus or Disney+) 

As we were watching the show, Tubbo started snuggling up to me. Luckily, since it was dark now, and everyone was paying attention to the screen, no one noticed the flush spreading on my face. 

Later on, while we were still watching the cartoon, I put my hands in my pockets. I realized there was a piece of paper in there, so I pulled it out to get a closer look. It was Liz's number from earlier. 'oh I forgot about this'  

I was about to put it back in my pocket, but then I got a better idea. I tapped Tubbo on the shoulder and he sat up slowly. He looked a bit annoyed that I made him wake up. "tubbo I have the girl's number from earlier," I whispered. Tubbo gave me a confused and weirded out look and waited for me to explain. "do you want to rip it up?" I asked, knowing exactly what he was going to do already. I was right.

He excitedly took the paper from my hands and tore it to shreds in seconds. Then he looked back up to me smiling widely. 

'damn his smile is adorable' 





words: 1122

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