Tw: mention of injuries

Tubbo POV

I was walking Ranboo to the nurse's office because he was super beaten up. I felt really bad, he doesn't deserve to be put through that kind of pain, or any pain at all. 

As I was leading him to the office, the bell rang and people flooded out of their classrooms. School had just gotten out and the hallways were hectic to say the least. Not wanting to lose him, I grabbed Ranboo's hand and continued through the crowd. He stumbled in the mess of people a few times, but I never let go. After what felt like ages of navigating around the campus, I finally arrived at the office, followed closely behind by Ranboo. By now most of the students had cleared out, and it wasn't as loud. 

The nurse was really nice, which was refreshing to be around. Kristin, I think her name was. 

"I'm afraid I can't do much about the bruises, I can give you bandaids and ice however," She told Ranboo. He nodded. I made sure he was alright before standing up to leave. But before I could go home, Ranboo grabbed my wrist. 

"Please stay here.." He whispered. I nodded, blushing slightly, and sat back down. While the nurse was taking care of Ranboo, I observed the room. 

The walls were a pale blue with white accents near the floor. The floor was made out of wooden boards and coated in wax, I assume to make blood easier to clean up. I also noticed there were various art on the walls of the school flag and mascot. One read 'L'manburg High School' with our flag and Henry the cow. A cow was an odd mascot, but everyone loved Henry nonetheless. 

After about 14 minutes, Ranboo was ready to go. He had bandaids all over his arms and looked sleep deprived, but he assured me that he was fine. We walked out and into the halls, which were deserted except for 2-3 people waiting for their ride. He was quiet after we left, so I decided to help cheer him up. 

"Do you wanna have a sleepover at my place tonight?" He perked up a bit. 
"Yeah! If that's ok with our parents of course." 
"Let's text them right now."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted my parents. In the end, they agreed. I looked up from my phone at Ranboo and smiled. He gave a thumbs up in return. As we walked to my house, we talked about random things like plants and books. About half way there, I grabbed Ranboo's hand, intertwining our fingers. He didn't pull away like I thought he would, which was refreshing. My stomach filled with butterflies and my cheeks heated up at the physical contact. 

I realized we had already arrived at my house. I nervously laughed and pulled my hand away to unlock the door. I stepped inside and immediately heard loud music coming from the other room. 'Mum must be cleaning' I thought to myself. 'She only puts on music this loud if shes cleaning'

I ignored her and dragged Ranboo up to my room. I plopped my backpack besides the door and ran over to my bed. Ranboo placed his backpack next to mine and walked over to the spot next to me on my bed. 

"Two types of people," I joked and he laughed then continued it. I felt lucky to know him. Something about him just made him perfect. 

Me and Ranboo kept talking and joking hours, not realizing how much time we spent until my Mum called us down for dinner. I glanced over to the clock on my bedside table. "Oh wow it's already 6:23! Time really does fly when your having fun." I said and got up off the bed. Ranboo stood up next to me. "Yeah!"

  'He definitely is a lot happier than he was earlier. that's good'

I glanced up at him and took in his features. His messy light brown hair that swept to one side, his beautiful grey-blue eyes, he just looked so perfect. 

I didn't realized I was staring for at least 2 minutes. 

I snapped out of my trance and remembered there was dinner still waiting for us. (ayoo 699 words)

I walked over to the door and opened it for Ranboo. "Ladies first," I teased and bowed for him. "Oh shut up." He rolled his eyes and lightly punched my shoulder, but walked out anyway. 

We walked down and sat at the table with my parents and 2 sisters. The dinner was pretty chill, except for how my sisters kept looking at me and Ranboo and smirking. He was also being pestered with questions by my dad, who can be a bit overprotective at times. 

After 20 agonizing minutes, me and Ranboo were able to escape my family. We ran back to my room and I locked the door. 

I turned to Ranboo. "Sorry about them.. They're usually not like this." 

"It's alright! What do you want to do now though?" He asked and I shrugged. "Watch a movie?" I suggested and sat back down on my bed. "Sure," Ranboo sat next to me. "How about Marry Poppins?" He asked. "oOo Yeah lets do that!"

I got some blankets and popcorn and put them on the bed. Me and Ranboo got cozy under a few blankets against the wall, with a popcorn bowl in between us. I had set up my laptop so we were going to watch on that.  We had managed to balance it on our knees, praying it wouldn't fall.

About 2/3rds into the movie, I started to drift off to sleep. Just half asleep though, so I could tell what was happening, just didn't do anything about it. 

"If only you knew..." Ranboo muttered and moved closer to me, my head now resting on his shoulder. A few seconds had passed before I felt a pair of lips on my cheek briefly. My face heated up instantly. I was now fully conscious about what was happening, yet still pretended I was asleep. 

Apparently my acting was good enough because after a bit, Ranboo paused the movie and got up out of the room. I used this opportunity to text Tommy about what had just happened. He urged me to finally confess my feelings. 

I was just about to respond with 'no i cant not rn at least', but the door to my room creaked open. I glanced over and saw Ranboo standing in the doorway, slight fear and anxiety in his expression. 


heres ur chapter for today :)
im gonna try to post a chapter every other day, but if i miss a day, i apologize in advance

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge that this book (at the time of writing) HAS 2.7K READS AND 192 VOTES?????? AM I POPULAR NOW????? TYSM OMG

and like always, please take care of your mental and physical being, your important and deserve good things, even if you have done bad things before. 

goodbye for now readers

words: 1179

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