Ranboo POV

The LegoLand trip had been postponed to a couple weeks later, mostly because we all needed more time to plan. In the meantime, I got closer to Tubbo. 

We had both silently decided to forget about the wedding. Just act like normal friends. Luckily, Tommy and Alex had calmed down with shipping us. They still did, but not as aggressively and forward. 

I also realized I had a lot more classes with Tubbo that I originally thought. We had basically everything together, except for P.E. (or gym) and our elective. This caused us to end up walking to classes together and talking a lot. Which as a result, made me fall for him even more. He is just so cute and stubborn, but at the same time very chaotic and flirty. His fluffy brown hair and blue eyes match perfectly with his personality. 

Everything about him makes me feel seasick. But the good kind of seasick. The kind of seasick that feels right in your heart. 

Since me and Tubbo sat next to each other in math class, we sometimes caught each other staring. I've noticed that when he gets flustered he just laughs and hides his face in his hands to cover up the blush on his face. It's quite adorable. 

By now I've admitted to myself that I have a crush on Tubbo. 'I doubt he likes me back. I don't think anyone could find anything good in me anyway.' I sighed quietly. 'Sure he's flirted quite a bit, and yeah he doesn't complain when people ship us, but it's all platonic. I think. I hope not' 

I was shaken back into reality when my name was called by the  teacher asking me about the lecture I had completely missed. I glanced at the open book on the table, skimming over the text. I answered, still unsure. He nodded and gave me a look that said 'pay more attention next time'. He moved on with the lecture, and I tuned him out again. 

Class eventually ended and I went with Tubbo to the lunch spot with the others. I had already gotten my lunch so I sat down next to Tubbo and Tommy. The conversation was pretty chill, we talked about the trip happening the next day (its friday) for the 3 day weekend, along with some other stuff. 

Before I knew it, school was out. This happens most days now. I go to school, zone out thinking about Tubbo and admiring him, going to lunch and talking with my friends, finish all my classes for the day, then go home and text Tubbo. 

'I guess I'm kinda obsessed with him now. I mean, in my defense, how can you not be. He's perfect.'

I finished up my homework quickly after I got home, which surprised my mom a bit. 

"Who are you and what have you done with Ranboo. He never does his homework early." She said jokingly while leaning against my doorframe. "Don't you remember? I'm going on the trip with my friends tomorrow. But don't worry. One of my friends' parents are going to watch after us and stuff," I responded gleefully. 

"Oh yeah I remember you talking about that. I'm very glad your doing well in your new school, with making friends and all." I nodded. "Well, I'll leave you to pack now, I'm going to be making tortellini for dinner. Come down when your ready." She smiled at me and left the room.

I smiled to myself and continued to pack. 

-small time skip till after dinner-

I walked back up to my room and flopped onto my bed. I was just about to drift off to sleep when my phone blinged. Getting up tiredly and grabbing my phone, I looked at who had texted me. My face lit up and I got butterflies in my stomach. 

It was Tubbo. Even though we text everyday, I still feel bubbly when talking to him, through text and in real life.  

I quickly replied back

Tubbee <3

hi boo!
you still gonna meet up with us tomorrow?

--------- park right?

see you tomorrow then cutie ;)

My face flushed red. But then I got a sudden wave of confidence.

says the cutest person on the planet

uno reverse

you cant do that >:(

can too >:D

We kept joking and flirting for a while, and when I looked at the time, it was almost 2am. I suddenly realized how tired I actually was. (see ranboo knows when to go to bed u should too. i see you reading this late at night, go to sleep) 

Tubbee <3

Im actually really tired now, and its almost 2, so im gonna go to bed now

im really tired too lmao 
goodnight boo! :D

gn bee! :)

I smiled to myself and finally let sleep pull me down in its warm embrace.

'I hope life can be this great forever'


short chapter today, partly because i have no more brain cells to write, and partly because i still am figuring out the plot

Like i said earlier, sleep please, its important. and eat and drink. just as important. generally take care of yourself please

we are almost at 1k reads, which is WOW 
ty for reading this

see you next time where i actually give legoland content, and possibly a bit of angst 👀


words: 843

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