Ranboo POV

I walked into school, Me and Tubbo's hands intertwined. We got some weird looks in the hallways, which made me a little self conscious. Fortunately, Tubbo noticed this and squeezed my hand. I looked down at him and relaxed at his sweet smile. He always made me feel better.

'I don't even know what we are, but I'm sure as heck I'm lucky to have him.' I smiled to myself like an idiot as more people stared. 

A few minutes of walking later, we parted ways and I walked into my first period class. Biology wasn't too bad, learning about all the creatures was cool I guess. I know there was one kid, however, that was really into it all. I didn't remember her name though. I had a hard time remembering things in general. 

"Alright class, today you will be partnering with someone to review your notes for the upcoming test," Mr. Smith deadpanned as if he was reading from a script for a terrible ad. "You may choose your partner, as long as it doesn't get too rowdy."

I didn't know anyone in this class, so I just sat in my seat and watched as everyone got up to meet their friends. This happened every time we had to partner up, but it became kind of depressing after the first 3 times. The teacher never did anything about it though. 

As to seem like I was actually doing something, I looked over my notes on my own. Surprisingly, someone tapped me on my shoulder. 'who wants to talk to me?'

I tilted my head up to see none other than the girl who loved this class. She had straight shoulder length pink hair that glowed orange in the sunlight, and a brown and beige sweater. I waved shyly at her as she smiled. "Do you want to be partners?" She asked cheerfully. 'well, she seems nice, why not?'

"Sure. What's your name again?" 

"I'm Niki!" She almost squealed. "You're.... Ranboo, right?" 

"Yep thats me."

Me and Niki went over the notes, and since we finished early, got to talk for the rest of the period. Niki turned out to be really wholesome, and I had a lot of fun talking to her. I knew she had friends, so the question of 'why did she want to talk to me?' kept nagging at the back of my mind. It felt nice to be making friends on my own. Especially since I'm the "tall quiet kid in the back" stereotype in most of my classes. 

Before I knew it, biology was over and everyone was packing up.

As I left the classroom, I took a moment to appreciate the school campus. The hallways were outside and there were little groves and tree patches here and there. The sidewalk was concrete, littered with gum, spill stains, and trash from years of usage. The lunch system was basically 'eat food anywhere on campus except for the principal's office', so the halls were usually crowded with people, during lunch and passing periods. It was a nice cool day today with a light breeze and fluffy clouds covering the sky. Being October, there were leaves all over the place, the colors ranging from a bright yellow to a reddish brown. 

I snapped out of my trance and started speed walking to my next and favorite class: Math. I didn't like the subject, far from that. Math is only fun when it's easy, and I'm really bad at math. The reason it's my favorite is because I sit next to Tubbo. 

Sitting down in my seat in math, I watched the door for Tubbo like I always did. 2 minutes later, he came in and sat down next to me. We had a small conversation before Mr. Notfound started the lesson. 

I tried to pay attention this time, but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Tubbo. At one point, Wilbur had to elbow me to actually do the work. I looked over to him. He gestured to Tubbo and me with an expression of 'you gonna do anything about this?'. I simply nodded and pretended to be focussed on the work to avoid eye contact. 

Time skip to lunch

I was sitting at my usual lunch spot with my friends, zoning out for what felt like the thousandth time that day. It was quite relaxing to take in the scenery. 

We were sitting at a wooden lunch table which had indents and markings on it from all the past students. It was mostly names or initials, but there of course were some weird doodles. The table was vertically pressed up against the safety bars above the auditorium. The auditorium was a dip in the ground, with wide steps also used as seats. At the lowest point was a small stage, which was elevated to the normal ground level by more concrete. Around the circular stage were metal bars, keeping kids from falling right off of it, although they were very easy to climb over. Behind the stage was a wall separating the back of the stage and the hallway. The wall had a painted mural of the L'manburg war, the no longer existing country that the school was named after. 

"Ranboo!" Someone shouted while waving their hand in front of my face. "Wha- Oh hi Tommy."

"You good Ranboo? You kinda spaced out for like 30 minutes," Tubbo asked, concern laced in his tone. 

"Yeah I'm alright! I guess I just zoned out again," I smiled faintly. Tommy nodded and went back to talking to Wilbur about something. I finished my food quickly and was just about to fade out of reality again when I got a text message. 

Grabbing my phone, I saw it was Tubbo. I glanced up at him with a confused expression. He didn't say anything, just gestured to my phone. 

Tubbee <3

i dont really want to say it out loud right now,
but do u want to go on a date with me on friday?

Yeah i would love to! where? 

I was thinking a coffee shop?
theres a really good one called Bad's Muffin Shop

Ive never been there but it sounds cool
friday 4:30 at bad's muffin shop?

Yeah if thats ok


I looked back up at Tubbo and smiled. He smiled back, a hint of pink dusting his cheeks. I felt my face heat up as well, but chose to ignore it. 

'Its better to spend these moments without embarrassment'


Hey people! another filler chapter cuz i got some angst coming up againlmao im still not entirely sure how ima end this. 

anyway, hope you all are doing well 

I care about you guys a lot and i wish u a happy valentines day

goodbye for now :D

words: 1119

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