Ranboo POV

I woke up to a strip of sunlight from the window shining in my eyes.I felt something tugging on my arm and a heavy weight on my leg. I glanced down to my left to reveal a sleeping Tubbo using my leg as a pillow. He looked so perfect just sleeping there. I took a moment to take in the beautiful sight. The sun peaking through the blinds (that had previously woken me up) was shining on his skin, making it appear to glow a golden-pink color. His hair was a messy deep brown, with little cowlicks here and there. Light freckles dotted his cheeks and nose bridge. (a/n: i dont actually know if tubbo has freckles but for the sake of this story lets just pretend he does) He appeared almost heavenly.

"Mornin' Ranboob." 

This startled me a bit, so I looked up to where the voice was coming from. It was Tommy, who had a smug expression and was holding a cup of what looked like coffee. He was sitting on one of the mattresses and looking up at me and Tubbo. 

"Wha- how long have you been there watching us?" I asked, kind of scared for the answer. 

"Chill I've been here like 2 minutes. Just long enough to see you stare at Tubbo for too long," I was about to reply, but I was cut off. "Alex made waffles for breakfast, by the way. Come eat when your ready." Tommy said, then stood up and walked into the kitchen.

I realized I was pretty hungry, and waffles sounded really good. I tried to stand up but remembered Tubbo had attached himself to me. As soon as I moved away from him, he just tugged me back onto the couch. I felt my face flush a deep red. The more I tried to leave, the more he clung on to me. He was now positioned so that his face was pressed into my arm and his upper body wrapped around my left side. 

"Tubbo..." I whispered. He didn't respond. 

"Tubboooooo," I spoke louder this time, poking his arm attached to me. "Get up." He still didn't speak, but he did shift his weight a bit. 'This idiot really pretending to sleep'

Really craving waffles, I flicked the top of his head. Tubbo looked up at me tiredly, but flushed red when he saw me. His blue eyes glowed slightly in the sunlight. 

"Good morning,"I giggled while looking down at him. 

Tubbo's face glowed a deeper pink, if that was even possible, and he let go of me and moved to the other side of the couch. I noticed he was avoiding eye contact, so I started up a conversation. 

"Alex made waffles, wanna go get some?" I suggested. 

"Y-yeah that actually sounds really good right now" His face lit up a bit. 

We walked into the kitchen to be welcomed by a mess of flour and waffle batter all over the walls and floor. It was pretty obvious Alex wasn't the best cook out there. 

"What happe-" Tubbo started before Wilbur cut him off. "Good morning! Want some strawberries drenched in maple syrup? Or maybe some slightly burnt waffles? Just syrup?" He questioned eagerly. 

"Uh I'll take a waffle, please," I responded, a bit timidly. "Yeah same for me I guess," Tubbo said.  "Coming right up sir's!"

I glanced over at Tommy with a confused expression. It was like he could read my mind because he tiredly said "This dumbass is pretending to be one of those fancy-smancy waiters for some fucking reason" He shrugged and took a sip of his drink. "This is hot cocoa, by the way. Coffee is too bitter for me."

I took a minute to observe the room. Me and Tubbo were standing right in front of the door. Tommy was sitting at the kitchen table to the left of us in the corner. Alex was in the back by the counter and sink, scrolling on his phone as he waited for the waffles to be done. Wilbur was digging around in a cabinet next to Alex trying to get plates out. There was a faint smell of smoke and soap, as well as an odd mixture of peaches and hand sanitizer, although the whole house smelled like that. The sunlight drifting in through the window above the sink was just bright enough to illuminate the bits of dust and flour in the air, just floating around. The walls were a mint green with deep brown wooden accents, and the floor was made up of white-grey tiles. 

I was shaken out of my trance when a plate was shoved in my face. Wilbur had finished getting our breakfast and was very eager to have us try it. I took the plate of a golden brown waffle and strawberries. Tubbo and I thanked him and sat down next to Tommy. Tubbo must've been really hungry, because almost immediately after we sat down, he started scarfing down on the breakfast. This made me laugh slightly. 

Soon after, Wilbur and Alex sat down at the table as well. As we ate the waffles, we talked about minecraft, something we all enjoyed.
The conversation included things like:

"I'm really excited for the new update."
"I learned that you can kill people with fireworks."
"We should make a survival world together!"

We talked for a while and didn't realize 2 hours had passed already. Since it was a weekend (ik the logic dont work out but just pretend please) We all decided to do something together.

"We could go to the park?" I suggested.

"What about an arcade!" exclaimed Tubbo. 

"Amusement park?" I adjusted my suggestion.

"I like the amusement park idea." Tommy said. "Yah me too," Wilbur agreed. "Alright lets do that then!" concluded Alex, smiling widely.

"What amusement park though?" 

"LegoLand is superior to all others."

"I mean- can't argue with that."

"LegoLand it is,"


didnt really know what to write in this, but your getting LegoLand content in the next chapter. 

also, #7 IN BEEDUO WHAT HOW HEH?????

THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH OH MY GOD I CANT EXPRESS HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME (im in light mode cuz there is no dark mode on a comp btw) 

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(im in light mode cuz there is no dark mode on a comp btw) 



words: 1078

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