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Ranboo POV

I hoped Tubbo hadn't heard what I said about me liking when he called me his boyfriend. If he didn't, everything is amazing. If he did, I'm screwed. As we walked, our fingers brushed against each other a couple times, each time making me blush more than the last. 

We got back to the lunch spot from earlier today and saw Tommy, Wilbur and Alex all waiting for us. "Ready to go you guys?" Asked Alex. We all said yes and followed him out of the school. 

As we were walking, the 5 people were split up into 2 groups to talk to. Alex was talking to Wilbur in front. Something about Las Nevadas and lore. The other group was me, Tubbo, and Tommy. Out of the blue, Tommy asks "Hey Ranboo, where were you? We waited for you for a bit, then tubbo had to get you."

"There was this girl who was hitting on Ranboo, not in a good way. I found him in Mr. Blade's classroom and he looked uncomfy, so I stepped in and scared her off with my awesome-ness," Tubbo chimed in, acting out an overconfident person, flexing his non-existent muscles. I burst out laughing at this. 

"PFFFT SURE TUBS," I said rather loudly. "Ok that didn't exactly happen, but at least I got her to leave!" He shot back at me while giggling himself. 

Time skip to when they are at Alex's house

"Welcome one and all, to my humble abode!" Alex exclaimed while spreading his arms out wide with his back to the door for dramatic effect. We all laughed at this and went inside. "Woahh, poggers house Big Q," Tommy pointed out, and Wilbur agreed with "Yeah some really nice interior design." We sat down in the living room, Me and Wilbur on the couch, Tommy on the chair, and Tubbo and Alex on the floor. 

"Wanna play Apples to Apples?" Alex suggested. "oOoOo I'm in" I replied excitedly. "I'm the champion of Apples to Apples in my family, prepare to get destroyed." "We'll see about that," Tommy said sitting up to look more intimidating. "Game on."

Alex brought out the Apples to Apples game, and me and Tommy did a 1v1. In the end, Tommy won, which I was not happy about. "How'd you win!?!?! You must've cheated I swear," I spat out at him. "You're just mad I'm better than you," He said proudly. "Well, the games over, Tommy won fair and square, can we move on to the next activity now?" Wilbur said impatiently. We all sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to do. 

I was still grumpy I had lost, and Tubbo had noticed this. He stood up all of a sudden and walked over to me, sat next to me, and hugged me from the side. He was positioned so that his arms wrapped around my torso from my left side, and his head was resting on my shoulder. 

I could just feel my face on fire.

Tommy looked over at us and smirked as I rolled my eyes. Then Tommy got an idea, and his face lit up. "I HAVE AN IDEA FOR WHAT WE CAN DO!!" He basically shouted, slightly bouncing up and down in his seat like a 3 year old waiting for dessert. "What is it Tommy-" asked Wilbur sounding like he was done with Tommy's bullshit. 

"LET'S DO A WEDDING!!" He explained "We go into Alex's backyard, set up a wedding area, and force Ranboo and Tubbo to get married. 

"WHA- TOM!" Tubbo shouted back, meanwhile I just stared at Tommy for a second trying to comprehend what he had said, and once I did I buried my face in my hands. 

Tommy POV

I had just suggested making Ranboo and Tubbo get married, and their reactions were priceless. 

"Calm down idiots, its the only thing any of us can think of, and its gonna be (in air quotes) 'platonic.'" I said, hoping to convince them. "Yeah. come on guyssss. we have nothing else to doooooo," Alex chimed in, understanding what I was trying to do. Me and him kept begging for a minute, but they only gave in once Wilbur joined our pleading group. 

"LETS FUCKING GOOOOO." I was cheering a lot, knowing I would be the cause of their future actual marriage.

"Shush it Tom, I only agreed because all of you looked so pathetic begging," Tubbo retaliated, though I knew he wanted to marry Ranboo anyway. Not quite sure why he's not saying it though, its obvious Ranboo likes him too.

Why are my friends so blind to love. 

Alex showed me his backyard and I was deciding where stuff would go while Alex got the supplies. Wilbur would keep the to-be husbands busy for now, playing games and talking while we set up. 

Time skip to when the wedding area is set up

"Ok Ranboo follow me over here, and tubbo, go with quackity," I explained, and dragged Ranboo into the shed. "Alright Ranboob we are going to get you ready for marriage. I brought a jacket and tie. Put them on and pretend its a fancy ass suit." Ranboo looked at me really confused and kind of nervous, but he put on the jacket and tie. Once he was done, I gave instructions on what to do and when to do it. 

A few minutes later, I got the text from Wilbur telling us its time. Me and Ranboo walked out of the shed, and I sat down in one of the fold out chairs on the side. Ranboo was walking down a dirt path awkwardly, looking at where he was going to 'get married.' Wilbur and Tubbo were standing on the deck of Alex's backyard, Tubbo in a tie as well, but a green one instead of purple, the color of Ranboo's. Wilbur had a big book opened on a stool (harry potter and the order of the phoenix) that he was going to 'read from' to make Tubbo and Ranboo married. 

Big Q had put on the able sisters when Ranboo started walking on the dirt path. Once he got to the deck, Alex had played the mario music and we all started laughing. After a few minutes it subsided and Wilbur had started reciting the vows. I pretended to get all teary-eyed at this, which made Tubbo giggle. 

"Do you take Ranboo to be your beloved?"

"I mean sure."

"Do you take Tubbo to be your beloved?"

"yeah I do."


you may now kiss the groom."






words: 1113

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