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before we continue, here is some hot chocolate for all you readers, you all are so lovely thank you so much for just being here ☕️. and some juice for any of u who cant have/dont like hot chocolate 🧃

anyway on with the story

tw: homophobia, f slur, violence, blood

Tubbo POV

I was arguing with Alex about what Lego set to buy, then I looked over at Ranboo. My smile immediately fell. He looked really anxious and was fiddling with his hands. I ran over to him to see if he was alright. 

I hugged Ranboo briefly. "Hey, you good? You seem uncomfy." 

"n-not really," he stuttered. 

"what's wrong?" He silently pointed. I glanced over to see Liz. Unfortunately, she looked over at the same time and we made eye contact.

'that motherfucker'

Liz hurriedly walked over to us. "Look who it is, pretty boy's freak of a "boyfriend."' she spat out at me. 

Alex stared at me with an expression of 'please explain', from across the room

I glared at her. "Ok? And? What do you want with us." 

"Oh I don't want anything to do with you, f*g. It's him I want." Liz pointed to Ranboo. "And what I want, I get."

I stood in front of Ranboo. "Well not this time, fuck off." I growled at her. Liz just stood there for a few seconds. She looked so pissed off. 

'of course, she's one of those all bark no bite gi-' but I couldn't finish my thought before I was punched in the mouth.

I stumbled backwards and onto Ranboo, falling into his arms. I got up and put a hand on my lip. 'oh shit I'm bleeding'

I looked back up just in time to see Liz about to punch me again. I didn't have enough time to think before I got punched again, this time in my eye. I could already feel a bruise starting to form. 

'either she's stronger than she looks, or I'm weak as fuck.' I thought to myself. 

Liz was about to throw another punch at me, but I grabbed her hand. I twisted her wrist so that it did a full 360. She yelped in pain and jumped back. "YOU BITCH!" She yelled at me as her friends came over to help her.

I glanced over to the door where a  few security guards came in. 'shit'

Me and Liz were taken outside of the park and talked to by security about what had happened. They had cameras, but they wanted to hear our sides. 

"She called me the f slur and was harassing me and my- uh b-boyfriend." I stumbled on my words with 'boyfriend.' I didn't want to lie, but that's what I had told Liz. "And then when I told her to back off, she punched me twice."

"And you?" the security guy asked Liz. 

"He was staring at me rudely, and he is gay, and everyone knows being gay is a sin. And then out of nowhere he twisted my wrist!" She lied, trying to sound innocent. 

"Well we will see what actually happened on the camera, but I will have to ask you to leave the park sir." 

"What?? Why!? Just look at the camera's now, I swear I'm not at fault he-" But he cut me off. "It's because your gay. It is a sin, like she said." he gestured to Liz. 


"Yes, now please lea-" He was cut off by another security person. "Actually I don't think that's necessary, Bob." They said calmly, then turned to me. "I am so sorry about all of this, I myself am non-binary and bisexual. You may go back to your boyfriend now. I will deal with these guys."

I smiled and nodded at them, walking back into the park. As soon as I saw Ranboo again, I ran and hugged him tightly. 

"TUBBO! Are you ok? I saw you get hit pretty hard, sorry for not speaking up." He rambled while hugging me back. 

"I'm fine, one of the security guys was homophobic, but there was another person who was nice and let me go." I spoke into his chest, my arms still wrapped around him. I felt his body tense up a bit then relax, but I didn't care. I didn't let go until Wilbur spoke up. 

He cleared his throat "Uh, want to explain who she was, why she called you guys boyfriends, and what we are missing??" 

"Oh yeah. Kinda long story," I replied and moved away from Ranboo. "So basically, on the first day of school, she was flirting with Ranboo, so I had to make her stop, and in order to do that, I lied and said he was my boyfriend. So now she thinks we are dating." 

"So you guys aren't dating?" 

"Nope." Ranboo looked a bit hurt at this, but I didn't think too much about it. I, of course, was also kind of sad we weren't dating, but I just assumed he was sad from something else. "Alright, uhhh do you want to go back to the hotel or keep hanging out here?" Tommy asked me. "Lets keep hanging out here, make the most of it, you know?" He nodded and we walked out of the shop. 

The rest of the day was spend playing games, (that no one won) riding roller coasters, and eating snacks. 

Near the end of the day, about 2 hours before they closed up the park, we decided to ride on a big roller coaster. It was medieval themed and you got to ride in a dragon. We got in line and after 24 agonizing minutes, we finally got to go on the ride. I was sitting next to Ranboo with a whole plan in my head. 

'the rides gonna go super fast, Ranboo's gonna get scared, then hug me for support, and I'll be all cool and brave.'

But that wasn't exactly how it went. At the beginning, It was pretty chill. We were going through a tunnel of lego dungeon rooms, with little sound effects and voices echoing in the walls. But then it was the actual roller coaster part. And to put it simply, I was fucking terrified. I ended up clinging on to Ranboo, who was the one who had a blast and wasn't scared. 

We got off the ride, and since I was still a bit shaken up, I went to the bathroom to take a break. 

Once I got back, Ranboo gave me a stick of cotton candy. "Thanks!" I said, blushing lightly. 

30 minutes of walking around later, Alex and me were both complaining that we were tired. "My feet hurttttt,""Can we go back to the hotel pleaseeeeeee,""I'm gonna dieeeeeee,"

Tommy got sick of it and he gave in. We walked back to the hotel and into our rooms. I flopped on the bed and started scrolling through my phone. 10 minutes later, We all decided we were hungry and went to get Alex and Wil from the other room. 

Luckily, there was a restaurant in the hotel. And like everything else, It was Lego themed. There were Lego people and food builds all over the dining area, and medieval themed chairs and dishes. It was honestly amazing. 

We sat and talked for about 14 minutes before our food arrived. I had ordered the mac n cheese, Ranboo had a hamburger, Alex got some pizza, Tommy ordered fries and a grilled cheese, and Wil had gotten garlic bread and a salad. We talked some more while eating and eventually went back up to our rooms.

I have to admit, I was exhausted. As soon as my body hit the bed, I fell into sleep's welcoming warmth. 

A few hours later, I woke up to someone hugging me from behind. I didn't do anything about it, however. It was warm and comfy. 'today was odd,' was my last thought before drifting off to sleep again.


Hey! longer chapter pog. we got lotsa content, and more coming. Just wanted to say, it has been so fun writing this, and so fun reading and responding to all your funny comments, thanks so much. (again) 

please love yourself, drink, eat and sleep.


words: 1372

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