| 2 | ~ dinner with the madrigals

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You came back from your little "walk" and put your airpod case on the kitchen bench. "MUM!! I saw Pepa today! you know that friend.... you talked about before?" I said, watching her read a recipe on her phone. "Really? Are you sure? What did 'Pepa' look like?" she asked, putting her glasses down.

"She had curly, ginger hair and light, green eyes." I described her, trying to picture her in my mind. My mum shrugged her shoulders and said "hm, I think you found the right one." she continued to go on her phone, reading. "oh, and... I forgot that she wants to have dinner with us, tonight."
I added excitedly. "Really?!" she said, dropping her phone.

"Yes, she told me! Her house is that big, colourful house in the back of the town!" I raised my voice.

Timeskip: To the Casita
"I'm pretty sure this is the house!" I said to your parents. I knock on the door with my fist twice, waiting for a response.

A few seconds later, someone opened the door — it was that same boy who was following Pepa. "Come in, come in!" he said. He pulled the door wide for us to go in. "MAMI!!! THEY ARRIVED!!!" he yelled in the kitchen while Pepa was helping another woman in the kitchen. Pepa went downstairs and gasped when she saw my mum.

"M/N!!!" she hugged my mum tightly. "I missed you so much, Pepa." your mum said, patting her back. There was a cloud forming on Pepa's head and you were so confused. You decided to ask the boy with curly hair next to you, why there was a raining cloud on her head. "excuse me... why is there a cloud on her head?!" I asked.

Camilo's POV
The same, pretty girl asked me why my mami had a cloud on her head. I thought she knew who we are.

"You don't know why...?" I whispered, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?! She literally has an artificial cloud on top of her head. And it came out of nowhere!" she replied. i was surprised that she didn't know who we were.

"We all have gifts.  that's why we have the biggest casita in Encanto! her gift is controlling the weather, she's happy-crying." I explained.

"That's really cool! Also, what's your gift?" she asked, smiling at me. I kind of blushed a little, her smile is so precious to see. "I can shapeshift into people!" I said. I'm kind of surprised that she asked what my gift was instead of what my name was first.

Your POV
I asked him why Pepa had a cloud on her head. He quietly explained that they all had gifts, and he could shapeshift! I wanted to know his name.

"That's amazing!" I said with joy. Then he suddenly asked me "What's your name, by the way?" he gave a blushing smile at me. "I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n!" I held my hands together. "You have a beautiful name. My name is Camilo." he said. I kind of blushed a bit, since he said that I had a beautiful name. "Heh... thanks." I whispered.

I overheard something from a girl. "Camilo has a new girlfriend!~" she said. She had a nice bun, with a red bow and a red dress with patterns on it. She was pretty, she kind of looked like Camilo. I guessed they were siblings. "Shut the fuck up, Dolores." Camilo said to her. Dolores? That's a nice name.

"Language!" I said to him. Dolores was giggling. "Sorry, princesa." He whispered. What did he just call me..? I turned red.

I saw a girl with curly hair, green glasses and a colourful dress put down some orange juice on the table. I saw my mum and Pepa cooking with a lady with a tealish/bluish dress.

Timeskip >> Dinnertime

I sat down to a spare chair between Dolores and Camilo.

I grabbed an arepa from my plate and started munching on it. "You like it?" Camilo asked. It tasted really good, and one of my bruises on my wrist disappeared. "Amazing!" I replied with a smile on my face. "Thanks, I made that with my Tia yesterday." he grinned. and I must say, he's a really good cook then.

You took a sip of your orange juice then he slided one of his hands on your thigh. you gulped and turned a little bit red. He tried not to hold in his laugh. Your mum looked at you and said "so Y/n, why don't you tell them about your hobbies?" she smiles at you. i hold in my smile and take a few seconds to answer.

"I really love dancing, I like any genre. I  started dancing when I was... I think I was 4." I said, giving a little pause for my second hobby. "That's impressive, y/n" camilo whispered to me. "Oh, and I also like basketball and swimming. I'm really good at it." I said proudly. Camilo played basketball as well so his eyes widen.

"That's great, y/n! You're more talented than Camilo." Pepa and some other people tried not to laugh. "MAMI!!! STOP TROLLING ME!!" he yelled at Pepa. The table was full of laughter and we all had a good time having dinner! I felt safe with Pepa & Camilo somehow.

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