10. *. ⋆morning

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Author's Note
Hello! This is the final chapter and now I gotta focus on school. Please expect lots of delays on the chapters, as I'm going to try be productive & catch up on all of my homework. I'll probably only check Wattpad once a day, so please understand that I have school! Btw I'll think of chapter ideas while I'm at school hehe

now what the fuck is this ^^

I slowly open my eyes, wakening up to the sweet patterns of the flowers & vines on the ceiling. Isabela's room looks so unreal! I was about to move my hips but I realised that Camilo is clinging onto my waist — very tightly. I couldn't move anything! He was cuddling me so tight, just like a teddy bear. He looked so cute, obviously I didn't wanna go. I needed to admire his cuteness when he slept!

I slowly try to reach one of my arms to the side of the bed, I feel like something is kicking between my thighs. Please don't tell me I'm gonna have my period today, please... I try to get out of the flower bed but a big grip of hands stop me. "Don't go, hermosa..." I heard behind my back. He kept pulling me to him, he's so clingy but if that's what he wants, I'll accept that. I push my body near his face, playing with his fluffy fairy floss hair.

He opened his eyes slowly and his first sight was my face. "Good morning, mi vida!" He smiled while I played with his hair. "Morning." I simply said. He got a bit confused as I just said "morning" with no energy. "Did I do anything wrong?" He gave a small frown at me, bringing me close to him under his chin. He stopped me from playing with his hair. "Not at all, but I have to get up to check something." I calmly said. He got worried and kept overthinking. "...Okay, princesa. Go do what you wanna do." He sighed. I went out of the flower bed and went out of the door.

Camilo's POV
Y/N had to leave for some random reason. I'm not sure why. What is she checking?... does she hate me? Did I do anything wrong? Am I making her uncomfortable? Gosh, I wanna make sure she's okay with my existence. Maybe I'm not fun at all... Nobody likes when I'm me. She probably hates me. I'm gonna go follow her...

I went to Isabela, who was admiring the view upstairs. "Hey, Isabela? I'm having my lady days right now." I asked. Hopefully she understands. "Oh, Dolores left free supplies in the bathroom just for you." she pointed to the nearest bathroom. "Okay... thanks." She continued admiring the view and I walked to the bathroom. Pepa was watching us talk.

Pepa later walked up to me when I was gonna open the bathroom door. "Hey, can I go to the bathroom?" She asked. I didn't wanna disrespect her... but I had to. "I'm so sorry Pepa, but it's important. I'm on my period!" I shrugged. For some reason, Pepa's eyes widened. What is she so shocked about? "Oh.... that's fine. I'll wait" Pepa scratched her head. I smiled and opened the bathroom door, seeing a stash of tampons & pads.

Timeskip to when you're done, I can't be bothered

When I'm done doing my business, I close the bathroom door and see Camilo waiting for me. "Oh hey, Milo!" I said. When I walked out he held my arm and said "What were you doing in the bathroom?" I bit my lips. "I was... going to the toilet?" I lied awkwardly. "C'mon- I know you're lying. What were you doing?" He slithered his hands around my waist.

How did he know I was lying? Do I tell him? I said nothing. He pulled me close to his lips and said again: "I know you're lying, what were you doing in the bathroom. Just tell me." What do I even say at this point? "Period." Then I walked away from him. Hopefully he knew what I meant. He gave the same look Pepa gave when I told her I had my period. What a mama's boy!

"Princesa, wait!" He ran to cling on my arm. "What is it now, Milo?" I rolled my eyes. "Are you okay? Is anything wrong? Do you need any drinks?" He kept shaking my arm. "No, Camilo... everything is fine with me." I said. Distracting him with my smile, I started stroking his hair. It feels like a cloud so I always love playing with his hair. But then I quickly rushed downstairs for breakfast. "Hey! Wait for me!" He yelled. He's a bit clingy, but that's what I like about him.

"Hey, Y/N! Did you & Camilo have a good sleep together?~" Pepa teased, while putting down the plates on the indoor dining table. "Yeah, we did." Camilo replied. He squeezed my hand. Pepa surprisingly smiled. "Hmm... I can tell you guys had a bit of fun at the slumber party." Pepa smirked. I immediately thought about that time we kissed. "Uhh- I didn't." I rolled my eyes. "Well we can do it again, except that it isn't a dare~" Camilo jokingly flirted with me. "Oh my gosh, shut up Milo." I stared at his shimmering eyes.

"Breakfast is ready!" Julieta yelled. And she came to the table with lots of bowls full of food. The whole family sat down in their spots and started grabbing some food. I picked the last empanada in the bowl, but a hand also grabbed it at the same time. It was Camilo... what do I do? "You can have it." I said. I began to sip my orange juice. "No, princesa. You can have it." He put the empanada on my plate. I decided to split the empanada in half and I gave him a piece. "Problem solved." I gulped on my orange juice.

Later, we all finished our breakfast and went upstairs to Camilo's room, and decided to steal one of his shirts — as I didn't bring any shirts. I took off my shirt and the moment i was gonna take my bra off, someone walked in. I sensed their heavy breathing in one place. I turned my head and saw Camilo, holding the door knob and staring at me red. "G-Go away!" I said. I covered my chest and he immediately left. What just happened?...

But anyways, I put on a beige t-shirt,
⬇️ (credits to some random person on Pinterest for this)

But anyways, I put on a beige t-shirt, ⬇️ (credits to some random person on Pinterest for this)

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my favourite denim shorts & my air forces. then I also tied my hair up into a mini bun.
(You don't have to wear this!) I looked in one of Camilo's mirrors and took my phone out. I began to pose and do a mirror pic! Then I heard a door screech, and a warm body went behind me. "You look adorable in my shirt, princesa." Camilo said, snaking his arms around my waist. "Why are you all dressed up?" He suddenly asked. "I wanna go shopping in the village." I smiled. "Well then, I'm coming with you." He fuzzed my hair then opened his closet. I sat down in the bed behind him, on my phone.

A few minutes later, Camilo grabbed your hand. "I'm ready to go, Señorita." he kissed your hand.

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