9. *. ⋆slumber 2

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Author's Note
Sorry if the stuff is cringe. I cant think of anything else lmao

Please note that I'm starting school soon, so frequent chapters will very unlikely. Please understand! I'll still try my best to make chapters in my freetime.

Camilo's POV
"I knew it!" Mirabel exclaimed quietly. "Please, don't wake her up!" I begged everyone, but Dolores was already shaking her body, telling y/n to wake up. Oh shit.

Y/n's POV
My eyes start to go wide, I rub my eyes and see Dolores panick-smiling. "Wake up y/n, wake up!" She kept shaking my body. "W-What do you want?!" I complained. I scrunched my eyes because it was so bright. I felt like I slept for hours already.

"Well uhm... nevermind." Dolores gave an awkward grin. What was the point of waking me up, then? I got up from a sleeping bag and saw everybody in a circle. "Did I miss something?" I asked. "...Nope, not at all." Antonio said, branching his arm for his toucans.

"What was the point of waking me up then..?!" I grunted while everyone was looking at me. "Sorry... I forgot what I was gonna say." Dolores said, bit suspicious but okay. Camilo was snacking on some popcorn so I decided to sneak a couple in my hand. "HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" He jokingly yelled.

"Eating?" I laughed. He grabbed a pillow and kept hitting me with it. "Stop hitting y/n!" Mirabel smacked Camilo in the face with another pillow. "Oh, we gonna have a pillow fight? I'm in." Isabela smirked and grabbed a pillow. Everyone else decided to grab a pillow and we all had a pillow fight for 5 minutes. Camilo kept on targetting me

"Alright alright, let's stop." Isabela kept on panting. Everyone dropped their pillows and we all heard a door squeak. It was Agustin — I think that's Mirabel's dad! "Is everyone alright? Does anyone wanna order McDonalds?" He smiled. All of us agreed. "Alright! Y/n, come here." He looked at me used the "come to me" gesture. I jogged up to him.

"I know everyone's meals already because they always order the same thing. Anyways, what's your typical order at McDonalds?" He got out a notepad and prepared his pen. I told my ordinary order I always have, then he nodded and walked away. I closed the door and ran back to the group.

I toggled onto Camilo's arm when he was on his phone. "What do you usually order?" I looked up at his face. He shrugged his shoulders a bit and replied "I usually order a McFlurry and some chicken nuggets.", he put one of his arms over my shoulder and I blushed a bit although I had to get something. I slowly put his arm away and went to get my phone — it was near the sleeping bag.

"I've been looking for this everywhere!" I said to myself. I opened into my Home Screen  and went back next to Camilo. He took a look at my wallpaper, it was my boy-best friend and I, at a party while he kissed my cheek. "Hey, uhh... who's that in the background?" Camilo gave me a dirty look. "Oh, it's my best friend from my previous town! We were at a party and it was his first time being drunk." I chuckled loudly.

"Were you guys dating?" Camilo asked, playing with my hair. "Chillax, Milo. He was just so drunk that he thought we were dating! It's a funny memory." I told him to calm down and he was just a friend. "Shush, I know you guys were dating." He walked away in jealousy, I guess im not allowed to have guy friends now.

10 minutes later, Agustin walked in with 3 McDonalds bags. We all got off our devices and ran up to him. "For you Isabela, Luisa, Antonio, Dolores, Mirabel and Camilo." He handed out all the orders to everyone. "And here's your order, y/n!" He gave a smile while everyone left. He handed out my order. "Thanks!" I ran back to everyone and he closed the door.

"What did you order, y/n?" Dolores said, snacking on a couple of chips. Camilo put one of the flowers scattered around Isabela's room on my hair. "Oh, I ordered some [order]!" I exclaimed. Camilo kissed my cheek when he finished putting the flower on my head. "Lovebirds..." Mirabel grinned. My face turned red. "You look gorgeous with that flower, y/n!" Isabela mumbled, eating her chips. "She really does." Camilo kept looking at my face, staring at how beautiful I was.

"Simp." Dolores rolled her eyes. We all laughed and continued eating whatever we were eating. We watched Antonio introduce his new happy meal toy to this Toucan. He looked so happy! When I was busy looking at Antonio, Camilo leaned on my shoulder. I started playing with his fluffy hair. "Will you guys ever stop being love birds with each other?" Dolores said. "We're just friends, Dol." Camilo frowned a bit. Dolores & Mirabel rolled their eyes. "Whatever..." Mirabel sighed.

"I'm getting sleepy y'all, can we go to bed?" Isabela yawned and started making flower beds. "Sure, I'll put this garbage away." Luisa said. "I'll help!" Mirabel raised her voice at her. We all agreed and Me & Camilo tucked ourself into the bed. Dolores put on her earbuds so she wouldn't hear anything while she sleeps, I feel bad.

Everyone tucked themself into bed and Isabela shut the lights. "Sweet dreams, princesa." He whispered. I kissed him on the forehead and turned my back on him, getting comfortable. He put his arms around my hips and went closer to me. Ohh, Camilo! This guy is so cute.

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