8. *. ⋆ slumber 1

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small author's note

this kinda gets reader x camilo into the dating mood, so if you are sick of random chapters and you want to get to the lovey dovey part, you've come to the right place. anyways beware of cringe stuff

I just finished helping Julieta by washing the dishes. "Thanks, y/n!" She smiled. "No worries, call me anytime!" I said, wiping my hands on a tissue paper. I quickly run upstairs to see Camilo.

"Oh, you're back hermosa!" Camilo exclaimed, greeting me with a hug. I blushed a little bit. I hug him on his shoulders. Then Isabela walked slowly to us and interrupted our cuddle. "Hey guys! Do you wanna have a slumber party tonight?" Isabela grew her shiny teeth on us.

I looked at Camilo and nodded. He nodded back and we turned our heads to Isabela. "Sure... but do you have your parents' permission?" I asked, scratching my head. "Yep, I have my dad's. And my mum lets me have sleepovers all the time, so it's all good for me, luisa and Mirabel!" Isabela squealed in excitement. "What about yours, Camilo?" I stroked a strand of his hair.

"I'll ask my mami... I'm sure she will be okay with it." He responded. My cheeks squished up and I walked away with Isabela. "Alright! See you then!" I waved, seeing Camilo go downstairs to tell his Mum. What a mama's boy.

Camilo's POV
Y/n walked away with Isabela, as I ran downstairs to my mami, playing with Antonio. "Hi mami!" I waved at her, roleplaying with that stuffed toy Mirabel gave her. "What's the problem, Milo?" She looked at me.

"Can I have a slumber party with y/n and the rest of the kids?" I said excitingly. "Oh, sure, sure!" My mami said, smiling. Antonio put his stuffed toy down. "Can I join too?!" He added. "Of course, Antonio!" She lifted up his chin and looked at me. "Oh yeah, and take care of your little brother too. He wants to join." Antonio ran up to me and held my hand. "Have fun!" She waved at me and we both walked away.

Y/n's POV
I was chatting to Mirabel about my previous town, wearing Camilo's shirt I stole from his closet. It was oversized on me, but atleast it was something...

Isabela, Luísa and Dolores were both chatting together. We were sitting in Isabela's room, full on pretty purple flowers. Then we hear the door squeak. It was Camilo and Antonio!

They were both wearing comfy pyjamas. "Oh come in, come in!" Isabela said. "Has anyone seen my favourite shirt that has a yellow sun on it?" He asked everyone. That was the exact shirt I was wearing. "Y/n is wearing it." Dolores pointed at me. Camilo straight away looked at my shirt and walked up to me.

"Sorry... I forgot to bring pyjamas." I said slowly, scratching my neck. "He jumped on top of me. "It's okay, princesa. You look gorgeous in it." He smiled at me and tucked in a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Lovebirds." Dolores mumbled.

"We aren't dating!" I said, getting up and putting my arms slightly behind me and twisting my wrist. "Yeah, sure you aren't." She replied.

"Anyone wanna play truth or dare?Cuz I'm bored." Isabela asked, snacking on some sour patch kids. Everyone — including me, nodded. We all formed into a circle and grabbed a snack from the tray in the middle of the circle. I just grabbed a watermelon in the little fruit section. We all crossed our legs and started munchin'. "Soo... who goes first?" Mirabel said.

Everyone looked at Dolores. "Truth or dare, Dolores?" Isabela asked. Dolores mumbled a bit. "Truth?..." she whispered back. Isabela took a moment to think of something. "Tell the darkest, biggest secret that you heard." Isabela flicked her hair. Dolores kept looking at Camilo.

"Umm... I heard that Camilo lik-" Camilo quickly covered her mouth. "Don't. You dare. Say a thing." Camilo whispered. I was curious on what she was trying to say. I heard more whispering after but I couldn't really hear it. Dolores quickly responded "Camilo killed one of Bruno's rats.". Antonio gasped and put his head on Mirabel's lap.

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