18. *. ⋆ compliments

523 11 3

a's note

Fuck it's been like 4 months

Anyways hi my life is miserable rn sorry for a big delay

camilos room | 8:46am | feb 20

As my dream was coming to an exciting scenario, I unfortunately woke up. Worst. Feeling. EVER.

I looked around the room and noticed that Camilo must've gotten up already.

Why does he always wake up so earlyyyy....

Whatever. I got up & grabbed my clothes, and went to the nearby bathroom to shower.

I don't really think we're gonna do anything today, they always stay home whatsoever.

after the shower | 9:13am | feb 20

I dried my hair with a blow dryer, & also dried my body with a towel. And when my body was ready enough, I put on my new outfit;

 And when my body was ready enough, I put on my new outfit;

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Looking at myself in the mirror, "Stylish." I complimented myself.

I went outside the bathroom then rushed downstairs. The parents were making breakfast while the children were talking together.

"Hey!" I tried to get their attention.

Isabela glanced at me. "That dress is so cute on you, Y/N! You should wear it frequently!"

"Thank youuuu—" I smiled.

"Yeah Y/N, you should wear tennis skirts a lot more often too. They look perfect on you."
Dolores said lightly. My mood was already uplifting already, I love being complimented.

"Thanks, guys!" I said.

Then, I went to the village of Encanto. Perhaps I should just look around.

Y/N is TOTALLY not looking for attention btw

"Nice dress." A passerby lady said to me.

I turned around to quickly respond to her quick response. "Aww, thanks!"

Is my outfit really that good? I thought to myself as I glared below to my skirt.

Just then, I felt a tap to my shoulder.

what do u expect, its marco obv

"Hey, Y/N." He surprised me as I flinched from his voice. He looked down my skirt, then complimented it. "That's a cool skirt."

I giggled it off. "Thanks-ssshhh." I said awkwardly. He just smiled and kept looking at my skirt.

"I got a lotta compliments about this- whole outfit. And now I just got one from you."

He laughed at me. "Hey, but you deserve those compliments." and smiled.

I purposely coughed and replied; "Y...eah.
I think I have to go now."

"What? Already? Whatever... bye, Y/N."
I feel bad. Sorry bro

"Heh, byeeeeeee....." as I faded away my byeee.

I turned around to continue strolling.

"Marco? Again?" I flinched by Camilo's voice.

oh shit I forgot he doesn't like him☠️

"...Mmm...hm." I looked down at the ground.

He glared at him in a bad way then looked back at me. "What's up with you' and him?" He asked over-protectively.

"Nothing. At all." I gulped.

He nodded. "Uhh, okay. Just be cautious around him. Honestly, I don't get his vibe."

Camilo looked down at me.

"Cute skirt by the way." He complimented as he softly pulled it down.

"Oh- thanks, love." I smiled. "I got so much compliments about my outfit today aswell!"

He didn't take me seriously at first. "Really?"


"Well- then... I'm one lucky fella to have you." He smiled back and kissed me on the cheek.
I giggled until my classic ringtone was playing in my pocket.

I grabbed it out, and realised it was a call from
"Mama💓". It must be important, right? She's on a business trip too...

"Sorry, Cami. I have to take this." I said as I strutted away from him.

"Wait- princesa! Why!?"

I sighed as I answered the phone.

ok end bye


yall sorry this was short :(

btw this is a cliffhanger I got an idea

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