3. *. ⋆morning

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I slowly rub my eyes, thinking that Camilo woke me up. I keep on turning over, but the bed was... a bit bumpy. I blinked my eyes 5 times and Camilo was there, snoozing. I was on top of him. I quickly checked the window.

What the fuck, it's morning?! Then I realised - I've stayed in his bed all night. I keep on turning and tossing thinking that it's a dream. "This can't be real..." I whispered to myself. Then I accidentally woke him up. "Shoot" I said to myself, and I leaned on his shoulder pretending to be asleep.

Camilo's POV
I woke up quietly and saw y/n leaning on my shoulder. But then I quickly realised - I was supposed to remind her to take her home. I'm gonna be dead when she wakes up...

I slide my blanket away because I felt so hot. Then I slowly got out, trying not to disturb her beauty sleep. I go downstairs and close the door.

Y/n's POV
I stop the fake sleeping and get up. That bitch! I mess up my hair a bit so it looks like I just woke up. I open the door and go downstairs slowly.

There he is - talking to Dolores. I walk up to him and cross my arms. "Why didn't you wake me up last night?" I said in a sassy tone. Camilo scratched the back of his neck and slowly said in a small voice: "Im sorry- I got sleepy and accidentally fell asleep..." I rolled my eyes. Dolores looked at camilo. "You know that you 2 were cuddling, right? Then your parents didn't wanna 'disturb your sleep' so they left you there overnight?" She said, giving a squeak noise at the end. "I was cuddling him? Hell nah, i assure you that I wasn't cuddling this lying cockroach who probably didn't wake me up on purpose and wanted to make me mad." I said quickly. Dolores gave a small laugh.

"Y/n- I said I was sorry... I get sleepy all the time and I literally forgot to remind you." he said maturely. "I... still don't forgive you." I walked away, grabbed a piece of arepa and walked back to Camilo's room. I chewed on my arepa aggressively and decided to stalk through his phone. Luckily, he doesn't put a passcode on his phone. I decide to open his messages app first and this is the last context he texted - yesterday, 5:28pm.
(ignore that I'm awake at 2am)

(ignore that I'm awake at 2am)

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I wondered who the person he was in love with could be

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I wondered who the person he was in love with could be... I quickly put his phone down and feel a sharp pain near my belly. Period cramps... how nice. I slowly walk downstairs and go up to Dolores. "Hey, do you know where the bathroom is?! I need to check my period." I whispered very quietly because I knew that Dolores can still hear me.

"The door next to the lounge room." she whispered, and secretly gave me a pad. "Thanks!" I said out loud, and I walked away. "What was that all about?..." Camilo asked, bumping into Dolores' shoulder. "Oh it's nothing, Camilo." Dolores said calmly.

I lock the bathroom door and replace the pad. I put my old one in the bin - flipped over. I go back to Camilo's room and look at one of the mirrors in his room. "I look like a mess..." I said to myself. I rub my eyebags.

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