10 ➹ what goes around...

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I NEED MORE than a glass of water and some of Sage's secret concoction to wash out the pain in my head and stomach

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I NEED MORE than a glass of water and some of Sage's secret concoction to wash out the pain in my head and stomach. I open my eyes and groan when I'm met with bright sunlight that bores into the room. Isn't it supposed to be winter?

I turn to my side, blinking away the blurriness until I settle on a familiar silhouette. "Rain?" He looks over his shoulder and down to me from where he's standing.

His grey eyes do a once over of me. "And he wakes! Shit Luca Lu Who, if I knew what a bitch ass you were I wouldn't have allowed you to drink that much." He grins, turning away and unpacking the black suitcase on his bed.

"Fuck off." I turn to my bed side table and see an ice cold water bottle already there, I twist the cap open and down it. Thank God. "What time is it?"

"Quarter past one." Another voice answers, when I raise my head from the pillow I see another figure, same boy from the assembly, what was his name? Artichoke? Adam? "Azriel." He greets, before going back to unpacking Rain's other stuff, or I'm assuming it's Rain's stuff.

"You're my roommate?" I ask Rain just as he unloads some hazmat looking type jumpsuit. He nods at the question, and I pose another. "Am I still high or is that a fucking hazmat suit?"

Azriel chuckles under his breath, at the question and I raise a brow at his back. He turns around and I scope out the familiar polo symbol at the top corner of his blue jumper. "Fencing." He answers.

"You fence?" What the actual fuck? Not in a judgmental way, just in a... oh my god Rain fences! who would have thought?

"When I was like fourteen, yeah."

"Were you any good?" I mean, his got the whole set up so I'm guessing he wasn't complete shit.

"National champion." Azriel mutters.

"Oh shit, what do you do now?"

"Soccer." Caleb will like him, unless he's better...nah, no one beats Delvaùx. It's physically and mentally impossible to even be on his level. Caleb isn't even good at everything, he's the best. Future valedictorian, soccer team captain, despite everything he's got a good heart too.

"Okay Mr. worldwide." Rain turns back with a raised brow at the nickname, rolling the sleeves of his jumper up which exposes the scattered linework of tattoos that follow along.

"You know you really remind me of this friend I have." I say, trying to disfigure the tattoo that stands out the most on his arm and thinking of Calebs.

The first one he ever got made me truly believe his dad would kill him, not that Armand has done anything to Caleb but because Armand Dlevaùx has always scared me. I mean, he's always been nice but there's this sort of power he posseses, and not like how Mr McAllister does, but in a way that has you acting completely different when he enters a room.

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