44 ➹ broken brothers

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"LUKI, YOU LOOK terrible," Dad says, his eyes flashing with concern as he steps aside to let me inside the house

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"LUKI, YOU LOOK terrible," Dad says, his eyes flashing with concern as he steps aside to let me inside the house. I mutter an incoherent response. "No, no, no. You can not be in one of your moods today Luca, Winter is coming over and -" Dad immediately stops talking once he meets my eyes again.

"Luca, cosa c'è?" [what's wrong?]

"Niente," I reply, hearing the stuffiness in my voice. [nothing]

"Where are the boys?" He asks, not used to the absence of disruption that hasn't followed me since I entered the house.

It's always been Sage who enters the house like it's his own, swinging an arm around dad and planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek. Dad, in the beginning, used to try and pry him off but he's a sucker for traditions so he just gave up at one point.

"All to see their parents." Dad nods, but I haven't finished talking. "Caleb came straight here with me though. He's still in the car."

Dad makes an "ah" sound before nodding. I don't pretend to not acknowledge his happiness at the fact that Caleb's staying with us. He claims to not have favourites but I know he's always had a liking towards Caleb.

"Where's Reid?"

Dad's eyes soften for the briefest moment. "In his room, lascialo stare." [leave him alone]

"He knows?" Dad nods. The thing between Reid and Winter - whatever it may have been - isn't something our family has ever addressed directly. It's a topic we dance around, continuously moving back and forward on but never quite striking it.

I don't say anything because before I'm able to Caleb arrives inside, his hands are full with our luggage. The school have only allowed us to stay for the weekend but Caleb's always been an over-packer and in turn, I've gained the same mannerism.

"Thomas." He greets, way past the formality of calling dad "Mr Cathans." He did for a long while though, dad almost went crazy trying to remove the title from Caleb's vocabulary but Caleb wouldn't budge. He's always been so formal.

"Caleb!" Dad smiles, welcoming Caleb into a tight embrace.

"How are you doing son? How's school? Life? Your kid?" The last question catches both of us off guard, though Caleb's better at hiding his shock with an easy smile.

"Dad!" I seethe, not containing mine. What does he think he's doing?

"What? It's only fair!" He shrugs, before facing Caleb. "You know Maria would be devastated that you didn't name your kid after her."

Caleb smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Out of all of us boys, I always thought Caleb would be the shyest when we got older.

He used to be so quiet when he was a kid, he never talked unless spoken to, always sat by himself willingly, and barely met anyone's eyes when they talked to him.

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