53 ➹ all i wanted was you

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making the bed | olivia rodrigo❝ every good thing has turned into something i dread, and i'm playin' the victim so well in my headbut it's me who's been making the bed ❞

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making the bed | olivia rodrigo
❝ every good thing has turned into something i dread, and i'm playin' the victim so well in my head
but it's me who's been making the bed ❞

I DON'T KNOW what day it is. Only that there's a line of coke waiting for me on my bedside table when I rise and I'm about to beat the shit out of Rain for waking me up with his music.

"Rain, turn that shit off!" I groan, flipping over trying my best to drown out The Beatles.

Who even fucking listens to The Beatles anymore?

Rain is humming to himself to some tune, before repeating something about a boy being beautiful. It takes me thirty seconds to realise he won't be turning it off. I nearly suffocate myself with the pillow before groaning and getting up.

"Morning, Luca Lu Who," he greets with a broad smile that only he could harbour before seven am.

"Shut the fuck up."

"No can do, babe. I'm in a mood."

"In a mood?" I question. Who in their right mind is ever 'in a mood' that isn't a shitty one after waking up?

The amusement from the tips of his lips waver as his eyes hold mine. "You look like shit," he points out.

I wipe away the tiredness that probably clings under my eyes. "No help to you and that godawful song."

"Nah, Beautiful Boy is a good song. I think it's the little," he sniffs as his eyes wander over to my bedside table where my black Amex card lies ridden with white particles. "Addiction that's got you fucked up."

"And who got me into it?" I snap back with more bite than I mean.

I throw my dark blue covers off of me and take a second for my head to stop spinning as I sit up. I close my eyes for a moment but flicker them back open when I realize it doesn't do shit for the spinning.

I catch Rain stiffening in my peripheral vision. "I didn't do shit. I told you not to fucking touch my stash." His voice is even and tempered but I know he's mad.

Rain isn't like anyone I know, his anger subsides in his coolness, in his ability to freeze you over. He doesn't yell, he goes quiet and looks at you with a smile as if you've said something amusing.

It pisses me off for the most part.

I turn my head to the side, ignoring the morning wind that nips at my bare skin. I don't know what temperature to feel these days. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. Other days, I'm cold no matter how many piles of duvets I pile on top of myself.

"But you told me to hide it. From principal Aveyard, from Az, from Maddie." She'd left two days ago. I'd been kicked out of the room for the remainder of the night.

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