59 ➹ confessions of a teenage stalker

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"YOU GUYS JUST keep going around and around in circles

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"YOU GUYS JUST keep going around and around in circles. This is getting you nowhere," Caleb sighs. The weather is so fucked that with each word he speaks, a faint puff of smoke accompanies it.

I turn to Nadia to see if she's in the same predicamant of coldness but she looks cozy, all wrapped up in my suit jacket. Especially since the material swallows her frame up. It stops just above where knees would be had she not worn the dress.

I shake a growing thought, that leaves pink residue on my cheeks, out of my head.

"You made me feel so alone," Valè admits, and despite not directing her gaze toward me, I catch onto how her eyes turn hazy for a moment. It's pretty obvious she's recounting something. Winter break, probably. "I felt so guilty for dragging you into all of it but you were a part of it. The destruction. The final part.  It was you."

"Amber and I didn't even know the boys weren't responsible for everything, Valè. You kept us in the dark about that at the soiree."

"I was trapped at Jude's place!"

Jude? The name rings a bell but I can't place it just yet. And what's Valè talking about being trapped? How does a person just find themselves trapped?

"I should've been your first call!"

"You're mad because I didn't call you? You know what I'm mad about? When Nayelie and I were messaging Silvers to take back the information. When we were begging them to stop. When we were panicking. We were messaging you." Valè's usually warm brown cheeks are now tinged with a faint pinkness from the cold.

Sometime, between leaving the art building and arriving to the spot we're in, Caleb's suit jacket has ended up around her. Her hands barely peek out the arm holes and that's with them being folded.

"I didn't even know you messaged Silvers! I'm not on it all the time, Valè. Didn't you read their most recent post?"

I'm starting to think that I should've. What I've gathered from their interaction, if you can even call theit heated exchange that, is that Nadia is somehow Silvers, and that's a fact. But, there's also other people in on it? And Valè's mad at her for it for it because they had a sense that their friend Bailey was apart of it. But Caleb isn't because he understands that she made it due to feeling helpless against Cassie.

The last part still has my stomach churning with guilt.

"And I wasn't mad at you, not entirely." Nadia admits. My eyes fall to her hands where her nails have been picking at the poor skin around her nail beds. "I just couldn't believe that I'd messed up twice, Vals."

"Messed up is a bit of a cop out, don't you think?"

"Woah, woah." A familiar breaks through, appearing from bumfuck nowhere.

When we'd come out, I'd led everyone over to the entrance of the forest. We aren't necessarily hidden, if someone is trying hard enough to spot us they could by our voices.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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