15 ➹ secrets & societys

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"WAIT, EXPLAIN IT to me again

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"WAIT, EXPLAIN IT to me again."

Rain looks at me for the what seems to be the fifth time before opening his mouth. "You being in the Spade quarters is the worst thing to happen to you. It's by far the creepiest place to board, like some secret society type shit."

"And every year they play these games that start at the middle of the night, as a sort of recruitment?" Ahmed nods, as I repeat back what he'd told me earlier as we put up the final things in our room. 

"But they're doing it again because you guys have entered, so all I'm saying is don't get any sleep and lock your doors. In fact, buy a spare lock. Lock your door from the inside twice, and while you're at it lock your window too." Rain advises.

"How bad can it be?"

"Freshman year, this boy went missing. They had to pause the games, and everyone went on to look for him. They found him locked in the freezers half naked four hours later."

"Shit." What I'm meant to say is, what the fuck goes on at this school?

Ahmed turns to me. "Don't worry, I've got spare locks, we'll be fine." How reassuring.

"Unless there's someone you care about that's also in spades, don't let them be alone, it's all fucking crazy."


"Nah, count me in." I'll just sneak out, there's no way I'll leave her to be made into cold rotisserie.

Ahmed nods entering his class, and Rain and I continue to walk down the hall. He turns to me as we approach the last classroom in the hallway before the rounding. "Come to my room later on, I'll give you the master key."


"You know, just in case you need to leave your room." Oh, yeah that works too. I'm about to thank him but Rain's already entered the classroom.

"What was that about?" Caleb asks, I turn around facing him. I'm pretty sure he just appeared from thin air, but I go with it. 

"Nothing, just Rain being Rain." He nods, but I know he doesn't fully believe me. 

"What do you have now?" he asks, leading the way. 

"Free period, you?" Sage and I both have one, but he's decided to go to the gym again or something like that. He was talking too fast for me to even understand when we'd parted ways after English.

Caleb looks down at his watch checking the time before answering. "Ap Chem." 

"Sounds fun." I lie.

He smiles, turning to me, "It's not that bad." Liar.

"That's because you've had the opportunity to graduate since like junior year smart ass, so nothings hard for you."

"Sophomore, actually." He corrects like the bastard he is. But Caleb's never been a gloater, in fact he's the first one to helping if any of us need it. 

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