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all too well | taylor swift❝ 'cause there we are again when i loved you soback before you lost the one real thing you've ever known

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all too well | taylor swift
❝ 'cause there we are again when i loved you so
back before you lost the one real thing you've
ever known. it was rare, i was there, i remember it
all too well ❞

NADIA'S THE FIRST to be done with getting ready.

When she first told us she was making her dress three days before prom, I thought she was insane, that she could never do it. Not because I don't believe in her but because of how attentive and hard on herself I know she is.

I was wrong, obviously.

Her new prom dress, because she ended up donating the one she bought, is a reworking of the Versace midnight blue silk gown with godet inserts. Nadia's shorter than me but she's much slimmer so the dress makes her look taller.

It's a gorgeous dress for an even more gorgeous girl.

I don't think she understands just how beautiful she looks naturally, let alone dolled up. Her hair is out of her face in a refined Pamela Anderson bun, which draws attention to her soft yet contradictingly defined features.

There's also a diamond necklace around her neck with a dark-blue sapphire in the center. It's the royal blue Cartier necklace if I'm not mistaken, which makes her look like more of a monarch than she already does.

I go to compliment her for the thousandth time tonight but knocking on the door seizes my attention.

"I'll get it!" I call out, briefly eyeing the time that flashes across the T.V in Nadia's dorm. We all agreed to get ready here and give the Astralis's Amber and Mila's room.

I straighten up when I read five-thirty across the screen. Shit, I really need to get into my dress.

My makeup's been done for hours. The last round of makeup artists were Amber's. Whilst the rest of us stuck to a singular makeup artist and a different hairdresser, she had a whole team come in.

Trying to fit in as many people as we did, had been near impossible.

I brace my hand on the handle and press down to open the door, I do my best to not get my freshly manicured nails to bend.

"Hi, is Nadia Baelene here?" The man on the other side speaks before I even get a chance to say anything.

I look between the guy's dark eyes and his delivery uniform, "Um yeah, I'll go grab her." I push the door half-closed before turning my head over my shoulder and gesturing for Nadia to come over.

She isn't wearing her heels, so she picks up her dress from the bottom as she approaches me with furrowed brows. There's regality in her movement.

"Hi," she smiles once taking over my spot.

The delivery man does a once-over before sucking in a breath between his teeth. He barely looks a year older than us, so I'm not too inclined to punch him in the gut for admiring her.

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