57 ➹ what if i told you i'm a mastermind?

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the greatest  | billie eilish❝ just wanted passion from you,just wanted what i gave youi waited, and waitedman, am i the greatest ❞

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the greatest | billie eilish
❝ just wanted passion from you,
just wanted what i gave you
i waited, and waited
man, am i the greatest ❞


I REALLY NEED to go to the bathroom, but she'll follow me there. She hasn't done it in our biology class yet, but Cassie is everywhere. She'll find a reason, she'll scope out a possibility.

She does everything she can to make my life hell. She succeeds at it too.

My leg has been tapping against the floor for the past ten minutes. Alexa Shone — the girl beside me has been not so subtly side-eyeing me.

"Do you need to go?" Lexa whispers, her blue eyes dance between my active leg and my face.

Lexa's a sweet girl, but I can tell even she is getting irritated by my constant jittering.

"A bit," I lamely admit in a whisper.

The black-haired girl offers me a reassuring smile, her nose scrunches up, whenever she does and so do the freckles on her nose. "Just raise your hand. No one is even paying attention."

But they can still hear me.

Lexa thinks I'm suffering to ask because I'm a quiet person, she isn't entirely wrong. But I'd be a complete liar if I said the girl sitting behind us doesn't play a major role.

"I think they are," I awkwardly laugh, whilst simultaneously trying to still my leg.

We only have half an hour of this class left. If I force myself to think of anything else, the time will slip by without my needing to pee.

"Do you want me to embarrass myself so you can quickly ask?" She asks, cocking her head to the side. "I'll like vomit on myself or something."

I choke out on laughter at that and immediately regret it because my previously tensed up stomach relaxes. I am not going to piss myself.

"No seriously. My younger brother did it in pre-k because his bestfriend was embarrassed that he was crying and it worked. All the attention went to him instead of the little crier."

I squeeze my legs together and briefly register Cassie's smooth laughter directly behind me. All my relaxation from earlier shrivels up like a raisin. "I don't think your reputation would survive that."

Lexa may be nice to me, but she doesn't have to be. Some part of me is jealous of her. I used to think popularity spoils people, and no one in that position has proved me right — except Lexa.

"Who gives a fuck about repuation?" She scoffs. "This school is so stuck up on it, it's crazy."

I could go to agree but then Lexa would know it's because I don't have a reputation. She can say things like that because she benefits from it.

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